About Me
2007 war der Banjovirtuose und Songwriter Rik Palieri einer der Künstler des Philadelphia Folk Festival. 2008 spielte er wiederholt in der Country Hall of Fame in Nashville/ T. Die Kulturinsel Einsiedel lud ihn extra aus den USA nach Deutschland ein. Nun sind Mengs und Palieri zum sechsten Mal in Deutschland auf Tournee. Wurzeln deutscher und amerikanischer Songkultur werden erklingen, neben eigenen Texten und amüsanten Road- Storys. Die deutsche Übersetzung von Palieris Buch ist verfügbar und damit auch Lesungen aus „Die Strasse- meine Geliebte“. Exotisch und abenteuerlich...... Gast 2008 : Alexander Bäurich
-------------------------------Rik Palieri, Vermont (USA)
Rik spielt neben uralten originalen Banjo- Styles, auch exotische Instrumente: den polnischen Hirtendudelsack, den Ozark Mouthbow oder eine original American Native Courting Flute.
„Das Spielen der Flöte lernte ich von dem Mann aus dem Stamm der Sioux, der im Film „Der mit dem Wolf tanzt“ diese Flöte spielt.“, erzählt Rik. Langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit Pete Seeger, Rambling Jack Elliot, Utah Phillips und Jimmy Driftwood macht ihn zu einem Teil der Tradition amerikanischer Folkmusik.
Zu seinem Buch „The Road Is My Mistress“, schreibt Pete Seeger:
"It's such an honest American Story. I believe it will be read by many people, even overseas, wanting to learn about America." www.myspace.com/rikpalieri
------------------------------Wilfried Mengs (D)
Liedermacher und Folksänger aus Thüringen,
Er ist einer der profiliertesten Liedermacher und Folksänger Thüringens- Wilfried Mengs (Kulturspiegel 2006). Er ist fahrender Sänger, erfahrener Songschreiber, Erzähler und Produzent. Zahlreiche Tourneen führten ihn in die USA, nach England und Rumänien. Er gastierte in der evangelischen Kathedrale in Sibiu (Hermannstadt) Rumänien, im Bluebird Cafè in Nashville/ Tennessee, wie auch auf der Milleniumbühne des Kennedy Center of Performing Arts in Washington DC.
Witzige Pickings, Texte mit Augenzwinkern und einem Schuss Lebenserfahrung, humoristische Wortspiele und satirische Spitzen machen seine Musik interessant.
Er hat mehrere CDs veröffentlicht, erhielt Preise und hat sich auch als Inhaber seines Labels „Laura Records“ einen Namen gemacht. Seine aktuelle CD- Produktionen heißen „Alles Liebe“ und „Good Mush“. www.myspace.com/wilfriedmengs
Rik & Willie’s , Country Roots Tour 2008
Banjo picker, Folksinger and Roustabout Songster, Rik Palieri has traveled the world carrying on the traditions of good ole American style music. While touring in Germany , he met up with German Singer/songwriter and entertainer Wilfried (Willie) Mengs for many years, this un likely duo has been spreading the word about the joy of country roots music, playing concerts together in the USA, England and in Europe. Some of their highlights include being a part of the DAFT- Tour 2004, the German- American Songwriter- Tour in the USA where they were invited to perform at the famous the Kennedy Center, in Washington D. C. ,at many colleges and universities and at the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance.
Rik & Willie have performed in Hundreds of clubs, schools and festivals as well collaborated on two recordings; „The Balloon Adventure“- a musical journey around the world“ for travelers of all ages, and a country style recording called .“ Good Mush“.dedicated to lovers of dog’s, snow and the life style of the great out doors.
So come and enjoy these two road warriors , for some great toe tapping music, a few funny jokes, a bit of yodeling and some fascinating stories of their travels
Rik & Willie’s Country Roots Tour , It’s a show you will remember and want to share with your whole family !
Rik Palieri (Vermont) - or "Totem Pole" as his hobos pals call him has been living the life of a modern day minstrel. His pal and mentor legendary folk singer U.Utah Phillips once wrote; “Totem Pole" Rik. has more miles on him than a prospector’s mule... " It's true, while Rik lives with his wife Marianna in Vermont ,you have a better chance of catching him in England or Germany than at home These days he is busy as a bee, hosting and producing "The Song Writer's Notebook" on VCAM TV ,Co hosting a radio called "Fellow Travelers" show, writing books like his cult favorite "The Road Is My Mistress, Tales Of A Roustabout Songster†and writing a chapter in the just published; Music For Conflict Transformation, and also appearing in a short cameo in Pete Seeger's New film " The Power Of Song"..On the road Rik has played at some of the largest Folk Festivals in the world : The Philadelphia Folk Festival, Old Songs, The Champlain Valley Folk Festival, The Hudson River Revival , The Alaskan Folk Festival, The Vancouver Folk Festival, The World Festival ( Poland), Port Fairy ( Australia) , Roudolstadalt , (Germany) Plus concerts at The Kennedy Center, The Blue Bird Cafe, The Country Music Hall Of Fame, The Bitter End and many more . He has worked with legendary American folkies such as Pete Seeger, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Jimmie Driftwood, Utah Phillips, Ralph Stanley, and with rocker Bruce Springsteen. www.myspace.com/rikpalieri----------------------------------
Wilfried (Willie) Mengs - is a traveling musician, award winning songwriter, and producer who also runs his own. record label.
His songs have been heard over the air waves in Germany, the BBC in Great Britain, Romania and the USA. He has been recently featured on national German television
and is well loved by young an old for his fun family concerts. "Willie" is well versed in "roots music "of both America and his own German land and sings at ease in both languages. While many of his songs are written in English, Wilfried also like to delight his American audiences by giving them a taste of the old country by singing a few songs in the original old German text, spiced with romantic tales of castles, knights, and legends from the old troubadours. As a producer and owner of Laura records, Willie has been promoting new songwriters and has also been involved as a sponsor for song writing contests. www.myspace.com/wilfriedmengs..PRESS:
Lyricist/musician WILFRIED MENGS hails from Germany and is currently on tour with his banjo picking side kick singer/musician/storyteller RIK PALIERI of Vermont. Their stories, tunes, and multi-instrument talents blend to produce a show that will have you laughing, clapping, and just absolutely enjoying your evening of interaction up close and personal with these two very polished performers.