About Me
Alright....time to put some useful information in here. Been too many years. Most people ask me about the band name. I was working at a local music store and saw an ad in a local music rag for a battle of the bands with a $1000 prize. I usually follow the rule that "if you enter a battle of the bands, you're already a loser", but I hadn't had a chance to play my original material out at that point, so I said what the hell. Me and a few buddies could go out, have a good time, and make some cash. I recruited my brother Kyle, Lou Musa (The Rockit King) on guitar and Joel Ferguson (Papa Vegas) on drums. Everything was set...besides a name. Couldn't just go by Curt Hines, so I was sitting at my apartment bar with a friend of mine. He loaned me a Girls Against Boys record and I mentioned my favorite song on it, "C'mon Cash Machine" and told him i thought they were saying "Cold Cash Machine". He replied, "That'd make a cool band name!" And i was like, yeah, it would, especially in the situation I'm in. I was planning on doing this battle of the bands as a one time thing just to make a few bucks (assuming we'd win). I was like, "Great! Done! I love it!". So we were Cold Cash Machine. And yes, we placed first and split a grand between the four of us...and paid our pyrotechnics guy. And yes, I'm serious, we had pyrotechnics and "cash cannons". So anyways, one thing led to another and a few gigs came our way. The final lineup was basically yours truly, my brother, and Scott Mikulski on drums with a revolving door of guitarists thrown in the mix. The three of us did the record, released it on Idol Records (Dallas, TX), played some good gigs, sold a couple copies, had our tunes on a few TV shows and such, and then I started touring as a side guy in the States and Europe for a few years, my bro moved to LA, and I eventually moved to Virginia for a year. Everything was put on the backburner. Now I'm back in town. Trying my darndest to write again and maybe, just maybe pull the Machine out of the barn again. I've been keeping busy with a lot of solo acoustic gigs among other side guy-esque adventures. Kyle's out in Lalaland working for a real estate company and playing in a band called Xu Xu Fang that has a pention for ponies. Scott's working at the music store expecting his little baby girl any day. Hope that's filled you in if you actually check this page out from time to time. Please enjoy the new music, I'll try to change 'em up as much as I can. Rock and Roll.