3-b@bii3[MiSSiN HiM <3] profile picture

3-b@bii3[MiSSiN HiM &lt;3]

BABii CHlO3[WiiLL bE H3R3 ANY TiiM3!] Y@Y!

About Me

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*~* Things you would never know about me *~*
*~* What About You....*~*
Whats your name?: Erika
Whens your Birthday?: May 10
Wheres your Birth Place?: Kpt
Eye color?: brown
Hair color?: brown
Height?: 5 sumthin
Favorite color?: pink
Favorite food?: Mac and Cheese
Favorite drink?: water with lemons
Favorite movie?: Grind
Favorite show?: Greys Anatomy
Favorite kind of music?: rap
Favoirte song?: crazy about you
What kind of car do you have?: hopefully a Jeep Cherokee soon
What town do you live in now?: kpt
Are you right or left handed?: right
Whats your Heritage?: ???idk
Whats your weakness?: guys hands or hair
Whats your biggest fear?: sufficating
Whats your style?: haha i duno
Whats your thoughts when you first wake up?: gahh i dont wanna get up
Whats your best physical Feature?: ? haha i duno
Whens your normal bed time?: whenever i tapp
Whats your most missed memory?: my papaw
Whats your favorite ice cream?: choc. chip mint
Whats your favorite candy?: skittles
pepsi or coke?: coke
Mt. dew or Sprite?: Sprite
McDonalds or Burger King?: McDonalds
Arby's or Taco Bell?: Taco Belll
Single or group dates?: group
Chocolate or vanilla?: Choc.
Cappuccino or coffee?: Cappuccino
Do you smoke?: naw
Do you drink?: naw
Do you do drugs?: naw
Do you sing?: yeahhh
Do you shower daily?: um yeah,twice aday erryday
Do you pee sitting down?: yeah
Are you in High school, College, or do you just work?: High
Do you ever want to get Married?: deff.
Do you ever want to have kids?: yeppp
Do you believe in yourself?: naw
Do you think you are attractive?: sometimes
Are you a health freak?: nope
Are you a Neat Freak?: nope
Do you get along with you parents?: nope, well daddy i do
Do you like Thunderstorms?: when im wit a guy
Do you like Tornados?: no
Do you like Snow Storms?: sometimes
Do you play an instument?: no
Are you in a serious relationship?: ...naw
If not, do you want to be?: ..yeah
If yes, how long have you been together?: ...
If yes, is he/she your true love?: ...
*~* Have you ever....*~*
Kissed someone in the rain?: nope
Sat on your rooftop?: yeah
Danced in the rain?: yep
Danced in public?: haha yep, up in big ChiTown
Smiled for no reason?: haha all tha time
written a song?: no
Laughed so hard you cried?: haha yeah
Laughed so hard you peed your pants?: lol yessss
Laughed so hard something came out your nose?: prolly
Performed on stage?: yeah
Talked to someone that your didn't know?: yeahh
Gone out of the way to befriend someone?: mayb
Made out with someone in the theatre?: yeah
Been in love?: ...naw
Snuck out of the house?: haha yeah, Jess
Ran Away from home?: when i was lil
Cried to get out of trouble?: yeahh, a few times
Been arrested?: ...jessica
Cried over a boy/girl?: yes
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: yes
Solved a rubiks cube?: nope
Seen a shooting star?: yepp
Been to a Casino?: no
Broken a bone?: yeah
Had the chicken pox?: yes
*~* Can you...*~*
Write with both hands?: nope
Whistle?: yes
Blow bubbles?: yeah
Cross your eyes?: yah
Dance?: o yeah
Sing?: o yeah
Stay up all night without sleeping?: ha yes
Speak a different language?: Espanol babay
make a card pyramid?: no
*~* Whats the last...*~*
Time you laughed?: 5 mins ago wit Blake
Time you cried?: last night
Time you went to the bathroom?: dunno, at church
Time you brushed your teeth?: bout an hour ago
Time you took a shower?: dis mornin
Movie you watched?: Jackass 2
Joke you told?: ?idk
Song you've listened to?: Pop,Lock, and Drop it
Number you called?: Blakes
Drink you've had?: water
Book you've read?: dont read haha
Food you've ate?: cracker
Store you went to?: Wallmart wit Bran and Mitch
Shoes you wore?: my forces baby
Thing you said?: somethin to mom, actaully screamin
Flavor of gum that you have chewed?: orbit-green
*~* How Many... *~*
Times have you been dumped by someone?: not sure
Times do you brush your teeth a day?: 2
Times do you take a shower a day?: 1 or 2
Times have you dumped someone?: not sure
Times have you got in a fight?: fist?
Times have you got beaten up?: 0000
Movies do you own?: a crap load
CD's do you own?: a lot
Pets do you have?: 1
Siblings do you have?: 0
TV's are in your house?: 3
Boyfriends/Girlfriends have you had?: idk
Oreos can you eat?: ha 5 or 6
Marshmallows can you fit in you mouth at one time?: 12, haha chubby bunny
*~* Friends *~*
How many true friends do you have?: jus a few
What's their names?: L,E,S(haha)Jess, Bran
Whose your best friend?: ^^
Have you ever wanted to date one of your friends?: yeah
Do you have more girl or guy friends?: yeah
Have you ever lost a close friend from an arguement?: yes
Have you ever had a close friend die?: yes
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?: haha yeah, Bran
Which friend have you known the longest?: Syl, Big KG
What do your friends think of you?: that im funny
How often do you spend with your friends?: not that much nemore
Do you wish you would see your friends more or less?: moreeee
Have you ever been stabbed in the back by a so called friend?: yah!
Have you ever lied to someone to make them like you?: yes
Were you ever classified as the loser or the freak in school?: haha yeah prolly
Were you ever classified as the prep or jock in school?: prolly
Have you ever shunned somebody out of you little group?: idk??
Have you ever been shunned out of a group?: mayb?idk
*~* Other Stuff *~*
What time is it right now?: 10*18
What day of the week is it?: Sunday
What is the date today?: March 11? mayb
How much money do you have right now?: got money in da bank!
Are you Hungry?: nope
Are you Thirsty?: kinda
What are you doing right now?: being pissed
Do you like the sun?: sometimes
Do you like uranus?: ha yeah
Do you like the earth?: yeah
Do you like the moon?: yeah
If you could control one thing what would it be?: a relationship
Are you wearing underwear?: yep
Are you wearing socks?: yep
Are you wearing clothes?: yep
*~* For or Against...*~*
Suicide?: ...
Love?: for
Drunk Driving?: against
Airplanes?: for
Trains?: for
War?: for
Canada?: for
United States?: for
Rock Music?: kinda for
Heavy Metal Music?: AGAINST
Gay Marriage?: against
School?: for
Surveys?: for
Parents?: ....
Cars?: FOR
Killing?: against
Britney Spears?: against
Bill Gates?: for
Coffee?: against
Caffine?: for
Pants?: for
Underwear?: for
Pets?: for
*~* Would you ever....*~*
Sky Dive?: heck yeah
Run away?: prolly
Curse at a teacher?: ha yeah
Not take a shower for a week?: Big Nasty
Go Scuba Diving?: yeah
Wrtie a book?: naw
Become a rock star?: ha mayb
Curse at your parents?: already have
Play strip poker?: prolly
Ask someone out?: yeah
Go to a dance club?: heck yah
Run outside in the winter naked?: ....haha
Go to a strip club?: naw
Have casual sex?: ?
Have sex with someone you only knew for 2 hours?: nope,AIDS?
Pull someone right off the sidewalk and have sex with them?: AIDS
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I'd like to meet:

When the time is right, i cant wait to meet God!, and of course....Paul Walker, and Jesse McCartney...and hopefully a tru guy that knows how to be a gentleman...haha


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