I am Roy from Brooklyn new york. All the art works and songs are original works by me. My songs where recorded on my Sony Cyber shot. I haven't been to a studio yet but i think that the next step for me. I am not looking to be a rapper or anything like that, it's more of my diary I am sharing with you. As a kid one of my goals I always wanted to accomplish was making an rap album. So about 3 years ago i found out I have bone cancer, ever since then I felt like it was my purpose to explore my talents. As far as my art works, if anybody is interested in a piece for themselves please contact me.I am not selling any of the pieces displayed but i would make your own individual piece for you specifically. i stand 100% behind my art and 100% behind every word in my poems, real stuff for real people. I have not reached my potentials in music making or art and excited for the future, I am 2 years into making songs and wrote 15 songs which could probably be broken down into much more. What I am looking for is somebody to help me develop my talents. I've never been in a studio or recorded a song and that's what I really want. Remember if your interested in an art piece for yourself please contact me.roy