Please look at my pictures and give me some comments.
I will hate you forever for a bad comment :-)
Im an ordinary familyfather 45 years "young".
A part of the Danisch middleclass
I live on an old Farm with my wife and my two daugthers.
And off course we have some horses a dog and a cat.
We have ben renovating our farm for the last 8 years , and there is proabably 8 more years left if i have to do everything myself.
My education is highscool sargent in the Danisch Army and then at last Electrician.
I speak fluently German Englisch and Danish.
Born in Germany grown up in Denmark.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
All my god friends and all new friends>Fan and personal friend of:
Beautifull video from BjørkBjork - All Is Full of Love Flagcounter: