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About Me

CHAMP StAtUs aT HeaRt SPEAk .... ACtioNs

My Interests

Sports, Cars, Surf, Stay healthy, Kick back, travel the world, Chill with the Fam, Chill with the boyz.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody and everyone who is drama free and knows how to have fun and kick back.


Whatevers man! Anything that i think is coo. But you know I am feelin them IslaNd Music, ReGGae, Gangsta music, FreeStyle Mixes, and Those SloW JaMs


i like all kinds of movies but i got to say i can watch dumb n dumber, kickboxer, bloodsport, blue crush, full metal jacket, gone in 60 seconds, and scarface over and over


American Choppa. Rides. Ovahaulin, Power Block TV. mtv. Old school shiet. Saved by the bell. Familiy Matters. and anythin else that catches my inetrest when im flippin through channels.


My Mom and DaD. They have done so much for the fam. They work full time to provide us with what we need. Damn i give them props with all they put up with and appreciate everythin. My nana. who has just past away. We all love ya and miss ya. until we meet again rest in peace and keep that party cracken up above.