I likes da football, video games, not going to school, bein' awesome, video games, homestarrunner.com, smallville, video games, and video games. Oh, and this video. and this one is pretty hilarious
Warchief Thrall, Cairne Bloodhoof, and Lady Sylvanas Windrunner. Oh, and Varimathras.
anything thats not rap, hip-hop, country, or kelly clarkson. actually, i cant stand christian contemporary either.
dodgeball, braveheart, waynes world, sandlot, indiana jones trio, starwars (all of them), ninja turtles live-action trio, serenity, mavrick, top gun, the harry potter movies
smallville and nfl
HA! Actually, I love all the Harry Potter books. And The Three Musketeers, The Man in the Iron Mask, and The Count of Monte Christo are fantastic books as well.