Music, music and more music, checking out local shows, learning how to play bass guitar, animal rights, crafty stuff, retro clothing, pin-up girls, reading trashy fashion magazines...lots of other stuff too.
Currently on the iPod: Amy Winehouse, The Aquabats, Big D & The Kids Table, Bomb The Music Industry!, Cold War Kids, Dave Matthews Band, Elvis Costello, Five Iron Frenzy, Grand Marquis, The Hives, Ima Robot, The K.G.B., Lily Allen, The Littlest Man Band, Mathematicians, Nekromantics, No Doubt, NOFX, Operation Ivy, Ozma, Patsy Cline, The Phenomenauts, Reel Big Fish, The Right Aways, The Rumblejetts, Skeeter Davis, The Slackers, The Sounds, The Specials, The Spitvalves, theSTART, The Stray Cats, Streetlight Manifesto, Suburban Legends, They Might Be Giants, The Vincent Black Shadow and Westbound Train.
Big Fish, Swingers, Say Anything, Crybaby, Better Off Dead
The Office .. ..
Currently Reading: The Widow of the South
My sister, my grandparents and Boyd Tinsley. Oh, and don't forget this guy... .