Radiation Mutant profile picture

Radiation Mutant

Spontaneous mutations are the motor of evolution.

About Me

After about 8 years and many long sessions in ---=u f o=---'s mothership Sound Laboratory, the tired mind twisted the Resonance boost on a diabolical machine and my poor fragile body was bombarded with an extreme overdose of highly Radioactive Resonance! Not only was I wakened from my trance, but my mind and body were altered beyond their normal state of recognition. I mutated and survived. The results of my experience are just a bit more wobbly.Check out my other project at www.myspace.com/ufotheunidentifiedfrequencyoscillator made with the Cosmoedit Myspace Editor

My Interests


Member Since: 5/21/2008
Band Website: This is it
Band Members: The RADIATION MUTANT, a slew of machines, real and virtual. All creation and production done in Synapse Audio Orion Platinum.

    the motherShip Sound LabStudio gear: Virtual: Synapse Audio Wasp XT, Synapse Audio Screamer SC-2, Synapse Audio MonoBass, Synapse Audio Scorpion , Synapse Audio Hydra , Synapse Audio Junglist, Synapse Audio Poly 850, Dai Chi Synth-1 (this machine is awesome), D-16 Phoscyon, Disco DSP Discovery Pro, ERS PolyIblit, Karma FX Modular [This machine is RadioActive], Korg MS-20, Korg Polysix, Novation Bass Station, Novation V-Station, ohmforce Symptohm Mellohman, rgc Audio Pentagon, Waldorf Attack, Waldorf PPG Wave, Muon Tau 2, + some very secret weapons.
    FX: Kjaerhus Classic Series, ohmforce - Absolutely Everything! Especially QuadFrohmage, Fabfilter Timeless, Fabfilter Volcano, Camel Audio Camel Space, Ugo Metalurgy, Lots of different filters.
    Studio Gear: Non virtual: Behringer Truth 2031A, Behringer Eurorack UB1002, Evolution MK-125, Phat.Boy, Doepher Drehbank, Korg MS-20 controller, Roland TR-505, Sound Thrasher v2.0 3osc RingMod x2, Boscine Ring Modulator, Doll Head Theremin, Rotel RA9858X, Audioline 1200s 5 speaker cabs.

    major influences on my obsessive life in the SOUND LAB would be: Kraftwerk, Numan, Jean Michelle Jarre, Cabaret Voltaire, Psy Harmonics acts such as: Third Eye, Shaolin Wooden Men, Psyko Disko, Zen Paradox, Mystic Force. Also Space Tribe, Ollie Wisdom, ESP, Sandoz 25, Azax Syndrome, Psychotic Micro, Psilo Cowboys, Derango, Syntax Error, Encephalopaticys, Kindzadza, Mussy Moody, Red Eye Jedi, Xenomorph, GMS, PysSex, Hallucinogen, Cosmosis, OhmGnome, S.M.I.L.E., Fractal Glider, Hardfloor, Underground Resistance, X-Dream, Electric Universe.
Other major influences are Moog, ARP, Buchla, and all who have followed 'The Path' of devising wobbly noise machines, including the mad scientists ofthe Virtual Machine world, where I now exist. the Virtual Machine world, where I now exist.
Sounds Like: A Viral infected Radiation Mutant going beserk in a sonic laboratory.Also sounds a bit like ---=u f o=---
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None