About Me
hey yall, my names KT OCONNOR :D im sixteen. im in the eleventh grade at new smyrna beach high school, but i will be attending atc full time for the automotive program :D i race cars. im gonna try and make a career out of it. i love working on cars, any kind. i drive a black s10 (with a camo duct tape trim) i love mudding, fishing, partying, racing, and just having a good ole time ;D i sleep, alooot. i love to surf. im a hardworker when its something i want to be doing (example: NOT SCHOOL) ill be your bestfriend, till you give me a reason not to be. at first im shy, but that doesnt last very long. i talk alot, and laugh even more. i always have a smile on my face. i try to look on the bright side of things, but ill still say eff my life and whine about it. i have alot of friends, and i love them all :) i deffinately believe that you have to make things happen for yourself, and that if you want something in life, you have to make it happen; and i will.
im always up for meeting new people, so talk to me :)
AIM = KOracin06
Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.
-Brendan Gill
Really it comes down to your philosophy. Do you want to play it safe and be good? Or do you want to take a chance and be great?
- Jimmie Johnson #48
The greater the obstacle, the more glory in over coming it.
Racing is supposed to be dangerous. It always has been and hopefully always will be dangerous. If it were not dangerous and did not require a certain level of skill, then everybody interested would do it, and there would be nobody left to fill the grandstands.
-Neil Bonnet
It's all about getting around that little circle just a little bit faster.
-Ken Schrader
Layout by CoolChaser