I'm called ronni. I'm 16. I'm a girl.i live in st. neots.
i like cake and pie.
i like neon orange stuff.
i like to wear clothes that don't go together
i like most music, but speshly my j-rock and visual kei.
im an anime and manga geek.
i love my mates.
i love pretty boys.
i hate spiders, insects, blood, heights and the dark...
i have random laughing fits at the stupidest things.
im surprisingly stupid at times.
i hold food grudges. you eat my food I'll beat you.
you eat my puddings ill rip your head off
if it's something I've written my name on and spent a fiver on then you will die.
food grudges are scary things you know
the best word to describe me?
[email protected]
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