My Blog
Now, you decide.
And so our time is measured in day-times and night-times and mornings and evenings.It is measured in sunshine and showers and moments and minutes. We measure accomplishments in smiles and sadness. We ...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Nov 2008 21:25:00 GMT
a vulnerable call.
In my recent travels I became very aware of the fact that vulnerability is where I most seek my father. When I am afraid or feeling the cold, or simply running from the waves, it is then I am most lik...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 00:24:00 GMT
Humble me.
'And David, clothed in a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his strength.'
2 Samuel 6v14
Tonight I was forced to take a good, hard and long look at myself. Who I was in my spi...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 01:35:00 GMT
Lord, if worship were all i was made for, why am i sinning so?
Lord, if worship were all i was made for, why am i sinning so? why is it that in a life-consuming attempt at pleasing you, i am causing you grief instead, giving you reason to frown upon me and p...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:30:00 GMT
i rejoice in this, a divine romance.
watch my eyes falter,as their gaze drops to the ground.Listen, as the song of my heart is not heard but mumbled and confused beneath trembling skin and the stillest of lips.
im young, i...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 02:24:00 GMT
calm down oh beating heart, youre beating too loud and youre beating too hard.
calm down oh beating heart, you're beating too loud and you're beating too hard.
i cant hear you sovereign lord, i cant hear you. this last week ive had my eyes and heart set on things that in th...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 15:11:00 GMT
First comes Jesus, then comes clarity.
so this is nice. Finally understanding where god needs me to be...right and exactly where i am. Here i was worrying dusk til dawn about a lack of worthwhile friendships and the feeling of not quite kn...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 21:10:00 GMT
oh how i miss you sunshine of my soul.
it is sunny outside. but i do not run into it.i am courageous inside, but i do not show it. i am passionate about life but i do not know where to begin somedays and i am stranded with only one thing t...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 21:09:00 GMT
relying on failing stability...a thing of the past.
so here i sit. pondering things.
homework for too.
writing a song for acoustic sessions two.
thinking and worrying about certain friends.
and wondering where i fit into it all.
last night i&...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 01:59:00 GMT
silly people harvesting silly times
it interests me when people forget that we are merely people and incapable of perfection. i have recently come to the awareness that i can never be the perfect friend, the perfect sister or the perfec...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 14:17:00 GMT