This page is dedicated to promoting the hard rock band, SOUL. Here you will find updates about SOUL - press releases, merchandise available, and materials that you can use for promotions both online and off.
From time to time, we will be running contests so you can win some of the kick ass merchandise SOUL has to offer.
As if that isn't enough, we also schedule weekly chats with the band. We hope you will join us for the chats - the band does like to hang with us cool kids after all!
If you'd like to join then follow the simple steps below:
1.) First add this page
2.) Then add SOUL's page (unless you've done that already)
3.) E-mail me at [email protected] with the following:
Your name
Address (if you'd like to be added to our mailing list)
E-mail address
Myspace username
What area of the US you are able to cover
(alternatively you can message me on myspace with this info)
4.) Keep checking bulletins and the blog on this page for tasks and updates!
Thanks for your support and we intend to get SOUL to your area soon!
Soul Street Team
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