2012 is not that far in the future.... what does the universe have in store for our little blue planet ? Did the Mayans and the Sumerians know something we should? Evidence leads us to believe, they did... is it so inconcievable that the leaders of the earth know what the future holds and hide the details as they prepare for the inevitable? Will the leaders of earth be there for us when the time comes, or will we be left to our own devices, while they ready their bunkers deep in the ground? .... From the South Pole you can see the approaching calamity. It is still far enough away to prepare yourself... Only The Mother knows who will be spared and who will succumb. Can you survive a shifting of the poles ? Will you be ready?... You can feel it in your bones, if you quiet your mind and let the cosmic warning be heard... Are you prepared? .... do you believe?
It is our duty to inform and warn whoever will listen... spread the word thru our music, and hope for the best... Hope is all we can offer... We hope for you my friend.....
Flash Countdown