Digital Tunezz Inc. profile picture

Digital Tunezz Inc.

About Me

The project "Digital Tunezz" is closed now. It was a hard choice to stop this project but we're not work again on it... Sorry 4 it.

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Member Since: 20/05/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: • DJ Charly TuneZZ (Songwriter, Producer, DJ)

• Michael "Mu" Murauer (Studio)

• YOU ??? (Vocals)

Influences: Earliest influences by dance music in the middle of the 90s. Artists Like Sash!, Mark 'Oh, Kai Tracid, DJ Schah, Masterboy (later DJ Klubbingman), Mr. President, Faithless, Red 5, Woody van Eyden, ATB and other...

Also of cause Radio Sunshine-Live.
Sounds Like: DJ Klubbingman, Spencer & Hill, Cascada, Manian

Record Label: ESW-Digital-TuneZ

My Blog

Projekt geschlossen / Project closed

Hallo liebe Freunde und Jene die es noch werden wollten. Ich bedauere zutiefst, Euch diese Mitteilung zu schreiben. Jedoch gab es in der letzten Zeit immer mehr Probleme bezüglich unseres Teams: - Arb...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 19:50:00 GMT