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Open air festival z zastojn hrano in pijaÄo. Vse laufa na prostovoljne prispevke. Bendi igrajo zastonj (na koncu dobijo za potne stroÅ¡ke Äe kej ostane). Za pit je vino in kaj brezalkohonega in za laÄne se kaj skuha. DobrodoÅ¡el je vsak ki rad pomaga - del dogajanja je kakÅ¡no delo(izdelava neÄesa, iskanje drv,...). Letos bo ÄetrtiÄ zapovrstjo. Vabljeni----------------------------------------------------
---------------------Open air festival with free drinks and food. Its all in the free donations. Bands play for free (we give them as much we can for the travel expenses on the and of the festival). We have vine and some non alcoholic beverages and for the hungry we cook something. We welcome anyone who wants to help - part of the happenin' is working on something(bilding something, acquiring wood,...). This year it will be for the fourth time. Welcome!