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ï?? whateverlife.comFancy is the daughter of Julian Crane and Ivy Winthrop, and has therefore lived a very privileged life. According to her mother, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, placed there by her paternal grandfather, Alistair. In fact, Fancy was the one member of the Crane family that Alistair ever loved, as he believed that she was the only "true" Crane of the bunch.Fancy grew up very close to her "grampy", and, as a result, was blind to his malevolent, vindictive side. Fancy actually unwittingly brought Alistair's wrath down on others several times, including one time as a child when another boy at the playground hurt her feelings. The young Fancy later cried to her grandfather about the boy's taunts, and Alistair, in turn, saw that the boy's parents lost their jobs, forcing the couple to leave Harmony with their son.Sometime before 1999, Fancy departed Harmony for a prestigious school, either boarding or a university. She did eventually make it to college, but, according to Ivy, she has yet to complete her degree.Fancy later made her way to Italy with her yet-unnamed sister sometime in 2004 or 2005, but the two ended up parting ways, the sister staying in Italy and Fancy heading for Las Vegas.[edit]
Fancy was first introduced in 2005 as a Paris Hilton-like character (she's even supposedly dated two of Paris's ex-boyfriends) vacationing in Las Vegas with her friend, Veronica, and her dog, Prestine (à la Tinkerbell). Fancy soon set her sights on a young man, Ned, who dismissed her, mistaking her for a prostitute. Fancy was furious, and an antagonistic relationship between the two was born.One night in Vegas, Fancy was furious to discover that Ned had stolen her invitation to a high-class party in a ritzy hotel. Lucky for Fancy, an older guy managed to help her in to the party. However, this man soon made it clear that he expected payment for his services, and tried to rape Fancy. The young woman managed to escape, however, and ran in to none other than Ned.The two twentysomethings ended up being chased around the hotel by hotel security due to the fact that Ned had been squatting at the hotel. During their game of hide-and-seek, Fancy and Ned wound up in a hotel room with a briefcase full of money - and a dead body on the floor. Upon closer inspection, the two discovered that it was the body of the man who had tried to rape Fancy! Spooked, the two took the money and somehow found their way out of the hotel. They then donated the money to a pair of nuns before bidding each other adieu and heading back home.It was then revealed upon Fancy's return to Harmony that she was none other than one of Julian and Ivy's oft-mentioned-but-heretofore-never-seen daughters. When Fancy arrived, bags in hand, one June night at the Crane mansion, she was happily greeted by her half-brother, Ethan, and his wife, Gwen. The three chatted for a while before Ivy showed up, demanding to know what her daughter was doing back in Harmony. Ivy was convinced that Fancy had shown up because she had gotten into some sort of trouble, but Fancy lied, telling her mother that she had just felt like coming home.Restless, Fancy decided to go and check out the Harmony night life. She wound up at the club owned by a man named Spike, who coincidentally works for Alistair. They talked for a while before Fancy headed for the ladies' room. When she came out, she was horrified to find the club on fire, and even more horrified to discover that Ned, who was also in Harmony, had set it! Thinking that he was trying to kill her, she locked herself in the bathroom, but Ned rescued her.Outside of the burning club, Ned dropped a bombshell on Fancy - he was really Noah Bennett, the half-brother of Fancy's own half-brother, Ethan, and he lived in Harmony, too! He explained to Fancy that he'd burnt down Spike's club because Spike had been feeding drugs to his little sister, Jessica. Fancy had little time to digest this, however, because soon Spike was pointing a gun at the both of them, furious about the demise of his club! Spike ended up chasing the two around Harmony, and the three ended up at the wharf. During a fight between Spike and Noah, Fancy was accidentally pushed off the wharf and into a passing fishing trolley, and ended up being buried beneath pounds and pounds of fish!Noah was forced to give up his assault on Spike in order to go after the fishing trolley, which was heading towards the Crane cannery. Once at the cannery, he pulled Fancy out of the fish goo and managed to resucitate her. The two kissed, but Fancy then slapped Noah for being so "arrogant". She then made her way back to the Crane mansion covered in fish goo.Back at the mansion, Alistair was thrilled to discover that his favorite family member had returned to Harmony after six years away from home. After showering off, Fancy told Alistair all about Noah Bennett, and what a "horrible" person he was. Furious, Alistair declared war on the Bennett family, having Noah's father, Sam fired as police chief. Fancy heard of the news after having a discussion with her mother about Fancy's indirect destruction of other people's lives, and went to her grandfather, horrified, and asked him if she was the reason that Sam Bennett had been fired as chief of police. Alistair dismissed this, and told her that Sam was corrupt, and had needed to be fired for a long time.Later, Noah and Fancy wound up together at the beach when Harmony was hit with an earthquake. They barely had time to get their bearings when they Harmony was hit yet again, this time by a tsunami! Though Fancy's foot became ensnared in some seaweed, Noah was able to free her, and the two took refuge in a store selling various high-quality picnic items. They spent the night there, and, the next morning, they were able to break through the wall and discovered that a department store was on the other side. In the department store, Noah and Fancy lived out some of their biggest dreams, including riding a motorcycle around the store and dressing up and dancing together. For the first time, the two began to acknowledge that they had feelings for each other.However, this was all dashed when Fancy went snooping in Noah's wallet and discovered a letter that another woman had written to him. In the letter, the woman reminded Noah that he'd always promised her that he'd never love another girl like he'd loved her. Fancy was devastated, and their dream day in the store came to a crashing halt.The two eventually worked their way back to each other, though, and Noah decided to take Fancy out on a normal date. They went fishing before returning to the beach, where Fancy admitted that their date, while being nothing like she'd ever experienced before, was also the most fun she'd ever had on a date. The couple was about to have sex on the beach, but a couple of police officers caught them and told the pair that they'd have to find somewhere else to continue their romp.Unable to go to either of their houses to continue with their tryst, Noah and Fancy decided to give Noah's mother's B&B a try. Unfortunately, they were informed by Fancy's aunt Sheridan that she'd just rented out the last undamaged room. She did, however, offer her niece the use of her cottage on the Crane grounds, which the couple eagerly accepted.On the Crane grounds, the two proceeded to fool around in the pool before finally heading to Sheridan's cottage to consumate their relationship. They were just in the throes of passion when Alistair, informed by a guard that Fancy had been seen heading into the cottage with a gentlemen, barged in, demanding to see his granddaughter. Noah wanted to let Alistair know that he and Fancy were a couple, but Fancy, fearing her grandfather's reaction, refused, and had Noah hide in Sheridan's bedroom while she went out to divert Alistair.In Sheridan's living room, Alistair expressed his concern that his beloved granddaughter might fall for a "commoner", and Fancy, telling Alistair what he wanted to hear, replied that she could never fall in love with someone "beneath" her. Noah, hearing this, thought that Fancy had only pretended to love him to get him in bed, and left. When Fancy confronted him later at the Bennett home, he informed her that they were over.Alistair, meanwhile, had big plans for his granddaughter. Alistair wanted a quick and easy merger with the company of an old friend of his, and to do so, Alistair wanted Fancy to marry this friend's son, Edmund Sinclair. Edmund ended up taking Fancy on a date to the Blue Note, where Noah had been recently hired as a bartender. Fancy was upset to find Noah there, and even more upset when she learned that Edmund and Noah were old friends. When Edmund began to ignore her in favor of talking to Noah, she left and returned to the Crane mansion.Back at the mansion, Fancy informed her grandfather of the date's events. Alistair encouraged her to not give up on Edmund, and Fancy was later horrified when her mother informed her of Alistair's intentions. Ivy implored her daughter not to make the same mistakes that she had, and to marry for love, not money.Realizing that she'd left her sweater at the Blue Note, Fancy returned there, and headed to the storage room when Liz told her that it might be back there. In the storage room, Fancy came across none other than Noah, who was supposed to have been looking for a rat. In the storage room, they realized that they were still in love with each other, and, once free, headed back to the beach. There, they made love again, blissfully unaware that Alistair was watching them. Alistair, furious at this perceived betrayal, had the police plant drugs and a gun in Noah's car, and he was arrested.The next morning, Alistair confronted Fancy about her night with Noah. Fancy appologized to her grandfather for betraying his trust and begged him to punish her instead of the Bennetts, but refused, promising to lay waste to Noah. Fancy told Alistair that she thought she might love Noah, but Alistair, disgusted, forbade her from ever saying that - or ever seeing Noah - again.Distraught, Fancy went to pay Noah's bail before telling him that they couldn't see each other ever again. She then headed to her aunt Sheridan for advice. Sheridan beseeched her niece not to give up on love, but Fancy countered back that Sheridan had given up on her love with Luis. After hearing Sheridan's stories of the hell that Alistair had put her and Luis through, Fancy decided that it would be best for her to give Noah up.Noah and Fancy met at the park later that day, both ready to give the other up. Fancy told Noah that she didn't want Alistair to hurt him, and Noah replied that he didn't want Alistair to hurt her, either, or his family. They were ready to part ways when they both realized that they couldn't just give up the best thing that had ever happened to them, and decided to stay together, Alistair be damned.Fancy then received a text message inviting her to dinner at the Seascape, and, assuming that it was from Sheridan, went to get ready with Noah. When she arrived at the restaurant, however, she discovered that Sheridan had received a message, too, and had thought that Fancy had invited her. When they realized that the entire Crane family, plus those of the Lopez-Fitzgeralds, Bennetts, and Russells were present, too, they began to wonder if Alistair had something to do with it.As it turned out, he had - Alistair had invited all of his enemies to witness his marriage to Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald. Once they were married, despite the protests of all present, he dropped another bombshell - he was adopting Theresa's son, Little Ethan, Fancy’s half-brother by Julian, making him his heir, and he cutting out all of his other family members out of his will! Fancy was horrified by the prospect of having only her trust fund to live off of, but when Noah pointed out that if she left him, Alistair would surely put her back in the will, Fancy softened, and told Noah that having him in her future was far more important than the Crane money.Despite this declaration, Fancy had a difficult time adjusting to being "poor". When faced with the type of apartments that she and Noah could afford, Fancy went to a pawn shop and pawned her watch, using the money to buy lottery tickets. When the tickets yielded all of three dollars, Fancy devised a new plan. She went to her grandfather exploited her position as the one person that Alistair cared about to get him to give Noah a job at Crane Industries. When Fancy told Noah of the job offer, he was furious, and the couple broke up.