Josh, 20, born and raised in the Carolinas. Just recently got my GED from South Piedmont Community College. I'm starting take classes in welding/fabrication and autobody collision repair. Then off to Wyotech college for autobody collision/repair and fabrication. I have problems with alot of things, I tend to be very specific and straight forward about stuff although I am pretty laid back most of the time. I'm really country but, twist it up a little. My music must be hard: rock, rap or whatever. I love minitrucking, it's my life right below God. I love to drag and hit switches (even if they aren't mine).I own a mini truck which is under construction. I'm good with my hands, I can work on basically anything with a little help. I install car audio stuff on the side for friends. Love chilling with my friends. Currently single, I'm looking but, for something serious only. If anyone wants to go chill on a weekend, hit me up. My AIM is S15Jimmy85 or email me
[email protected]
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