>>> ♥ The man of my D.r.E.a.M.s ♥ <<<
>>> A ReAl MaN... <<<
A real man is one who ShOwS ReSpEcT to his MoThEr && FaThEr. A real man TrEaTs his friends, family && strangers on the street with EqUaL respect.****A real man LoVeS the woman he is with, and stays by her side through ThIcK && ThIn.****A man will *NeVeR* lift his hand to a woman, && will treat her like a lady with DiGnItY and ReSpEcT always. A real man will ShOw her HoW MucH he truly cares && loves her by TeLliNg her && SuRpRiSiNg her with flowers at work or home. A real man takes TiMe to teach his children the VaLuEs in life, and further teaches them how to ReSpEcT others by ExAmPlE. A real man will see someone in DiStReSs and offer to HeLp.****Real men SeEk && PrAiSe God with their wives and family.****Real men don't ChEaT, StEaL or LiE to get their way. They are humble, honest, loving && CoMpAsSiOnATe. And most ImPoRtAnTlY, real men are *LoVeRs && PrOtEcToRs* of the one they're with.
Yea...I'm pretty sure my life should have a [{SoUnDtRaCk}]...Get back to me, I'm [{WoRkIn}] on it!! Lol.
♫ I cant FiGuRe out just what to do, when the ToPiC here is: *YoU*.
I get so weak in the knees I can
I lose --> all control <-- & something takes over me.
In a daze & its so amazing. Its not a phase, I want you to StAy with me...
By my SiDe, I swallow my *Pride*,
Your Love is so sweet, it knocks me right off of my feet.
Can't ExPlAiN why your LoViN makes me weak! ♫
I LoOoOvE LoVe LOVE people [especially guys] with an incredible sense of humor! Im probably one of the goofiest/silliest people you'll ever meet, and I laugh at A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y everything, even/especially at things that no one else thinks is funny.... so dont be offended! If you consistently make me laugh, you already have a One-Up on my good side! ;D :D