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....About me? What do you wanna know?!? I'm a very down to earth person and get along with mostly everyone, no matter how different our lives may seem. Don't get me wrong, I do have my incredibly bitchy/temper tantrum side, but that's a woman for ya, and the only advice I can give to you on that is: don't make that side come out! My Daddy left me when I was little... But my mom is my best friend and MORE than made up for him not being there for me. Bottom Line: I may not be "Daddy's Little Angel" but I'm DEFINITELY "Mommy's Little Devil". So don't fuck with me! =)I LoOoOvE being spoiled; by my mom, my boyfriend, or just some poor sucker that I can talk into it (jk!!). I've come a long way as a woman, and want nothing but real people by my side. I have big dreams in mind, and you can't come with me unless you're headed my way! If you wanna know more, just ask me... but if you're ugly don't hold your breath for a response... (jk!!) L.I.V.E ♥ L.A.U.G.H.♥ L.O.V.E ♥
:: I'm KnOwN To wAlK AlOnE BuT I'm AlOnE fOr a ReAsOn. SeNdIn' Me A dRiNk aIn'T aPpEaSiN', BeLiEvE mE. CoMe HaRdEr, ThIs WoN't Be EaSy... :: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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I'd like to meet:

>>> ♥ The man of my D.r.E.a.M.s ♥ <<<
>>> A ReAl MaN... <<< A real man is one who ShOwS ReSpEcT to his MoThEr && FaThEr. A real man TrEaTs his friends, family && strangers on the street with EqUaL respect.****A real man LoVeS the woman he is with, and stays by her side through ThIcK && ThIn.****A man will *NeVeR* lift his hand to a woman, && will treat her like a lady with DiGnItY and ReSpEcT always. A real man will ShOw her HoW MucH he truly cares && loves her by TeLliNg her && SuRpRiSiNg her with flowers at work or home. A real man takes TiMe to teach his children the VaLuEs in life, and further teaches them how to ReSpEcT others by ExAmPlE. A real man will see someone in DiStReSs and offer to HeLp.****Real men SeEk && PrAiSe God with their wives and family.****Real men don't ChEaT, StEaL or LiE to get their way. They are humble, honest, loving && CoMpAsSiOnATe. And most ImPoRtAnTlY, real men are *LoVeRs && PrOtEcToRs* of the one they're with.



Yea...I'm pretty sure my life should have a [{SoUnDtRaCk}]...Get back to me, I'm [{WoRkIn}] on it!! Lol.
♫ I cant FiGuRe out just what to do, when the ToPiC here is: *YoU*.
I get so weak in the knees I can speak,
I lose --> all control <-- & something takes over me.
In a daze & its so amazing. Its not a phase, I want you to StAy with me...
By my SiDe, I swallow my *Pride*,
Your Love is so sweet, it knocks me right off of my feet.
Can't ExPlAiN why your LoViN makes me weak! ♫

I LoOoOvE LoVe LOVE people [especially guys] with an incredible sense of humor! Im probably one of the goofiest/silliest people you'll ever meet, and I laugh at A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y everything, even/especially at things that no one else thinks is funny.... so dont be offended! If you consistently make me laugh, you already have a One-Up on my good side! ;D :D