Hello there Raposo fans. This is a fan site, I'm not in any contact with the boys. I don't know them, I've never met them. So please don't send me messages to give to the boys. If you want to send them a message please head over to their official myspace hereSharing Pictures
Hey Raposo fans! If you've been to any recent Raposo shows and would love to share your pictures,with the Canadian fans that would be great. I would like to create an album for all of your pictures so if you would like to share some of your favourite pictures of the guys then please email them to me at [email protected] (please put in the subject line "Sharing Raposo Pictures"). Please tag your pictures that you would like to share and please DO NOT I repeat DO NOT tag them in the face. If you do that then I'm not putting them up. Thank you!Festivals
Hello Everyone,I really need some help. I'm doing some research on some festivals where I live. Which is in South Slocan, BC [Canada]. I'm finding some festivals that are in British Columbia and the Kootnays. If you have any coming up please leave the link here and email them right now. Your message to should sound something like this.
Hello, I was wondering if you can answer these questions for next year's festival.How artists are selected? Are foreign artists' travel and board expenses compensated? How much does the festival pay? When will it be held in 2009?
Here are my links that I found so far. Please help me out and email them right now. I figure if I get more fans to help me out they might look into getting the boys hopefully. So I wish you all lots of luck in your search and I wish me lots of luck.
Please Do This:
Hello there Raposo FANS! I need a really big favour from you. There's this music show here in Canada in Toronto it's called MuchMusic. You may visit their site HERE , they also have a myspace which is what I want you to go and add right now! Here . keep commenting about Raposo on their myspace. They finally commented me which you can see that image bleow. Here's what I would like for you all to do right now do it a few times a day and I'll be very happy. Tell MuchMusic about Raposo. How? Well just go to the link HERE and click on talk to us.When Asked?
February 08, 2008: I asked Greg on Facebook "When are you coming to Canada?" and other stuff this was his answer.Promotion:
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