Banking & Project Finance
Too many ppl in the wish list... the main ones.. LMC..TDM DSAI Gordon Brown David Cameron Annahita Vianney A. Lee
Always been Metallica, but now it is more suttle... Not that metal is dead - duh! Top 40 maybe. Some good old evergreen. Roaring 40s. Modern Jazz. Gamelan pun layan...
All time favourite will always be Rocketeers (donno why lar!) The rest is too many to mention. No scary movies (ju-on like). I'm hantu myself - no need to see others lah. Heavy stuff like "There will be Blood" & "Atonement". Any light drama, comedies, suspense and so on... As long as the movies drive my brain to think!
NatGeo, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Top Gear, Fifth Gear, sports - F1 only, Ang the last Airbender (great story - like pedang setiawan lar pulak!), Heroes, all CSI series, West Wing, berita...
Book of the Living and related stuff...
X-Men, Spiderman, Ultraman, Iron-Man, Batman, Superman and many-many more man...