MICROBLAST Compilation 2 Out NOW! profile picture

MICROBLAST Compilation 2 Out NOW!

About Me

MICROBLAST is a compilation CD containing bands from up and down the UK. As most band would agree, it can be hard to get out there and really promote your band; and that’s where MICROBLAST steps in.
The Idea behind the CD is for bands to sell it with their merch at gigs. That way, your music is heard all over the UK!

My Interests


Member Since: 19/05/2008
Band Members: MICROBLAST bands include:

SinTuition www.myspace.com/sintuition Autumn Verse www.myspace.com/autumnverse Burning Down Vegas www.myspace.com/burndownvegas Blackout www.myspace.com/blackoutblack In The Absence Of Light www.myspace.com/itaol Divine Chaos www.myspace.com/divinechaosband Murakami www.myspace.com/murakamiuk Rip in Reality www.myspace.com/ripinreality Smokescreen www.myspace.com/smokescreenuk The Condemned www.myspace.com/thecondemnedek RSJ www.myspace.com/rsj CB6 www.myspace.com/cb6 Day in Decay www.myspace.com/dayindecay When Memories Fade www.myspace.com/whenmemoriesfadeband Ship of Fools www.myspace.com/shipoffools08 Traitor Born www.myspace.com/traitorborn Seven Years of Tragedy www.myspace.com/7yearsoftragedy
is available at any gigs of the featured bands as of 12th July 08.


Sounds Like:

Record Label: Purple Dragon Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

!!!!!!**Buy the cd here**!!!!!!!

http://sintuition.bigcartel.com/product/microblast-cd-compil ation-17-bands
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 17:36:00 GMT


If you would like to get on the new cd, or if you would like more information, please don't hesitate to get in contact!! Not only are we promoting bands, we're sending out copies of the cd's...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 09:21:00 GMT