Lil Dante aka Lipton profile picture

Lil Dante aka Lipton


About Me

Hello everyone. Thank you for stopping by my page. I guess since you're reading this (or not), you want to learn a little bit about me. I'm confident person making power moves to accomplish a lot of the goals I expect of myself. I got my undergraduate degree from the University of Arizona. Worked a couple of years before I ended up going to the University of Miami-FL to get my Masters.As far my personality, I'm just trying to be a better friend, brother, son, and what not to those that constantly are around me. I'm a positive person that tries to bring the best out of you. I have high expectations because you're never suppose to short change yourself. I'm probably the easiest person to talk to because I don't mind listenting and helping people. With that being said, I can admit that I'm a smart ass and can be very difficult with people who don't understand my personality. I like to keep people on their toes. Life wouldn't be fun if we were all so boring.
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My Interests

Sports, Video Games, 80's cartoons, Politics, going to the gym, reading, and traveling.

I'd like to meet:

I'm try to keep this short. If you're promoting some site for free stuff, porn, people that need to have 2000 friends, girls taking other girls pics pretending to be them, stop please. I don't care to have you on here. This page is for the real people that have something to offer. Not those that are using it just for some internet appeal.Finally to the girls that are on here trying to catch feelings on my page. It's not going to happen. Do yourself a favor and go to someone who does that internet thing. I'm happy with my real life relationships. I'm doing well in that department thank you.(P.S. If you're an attractive bi-sexual woman, feel free to ignore the above. You ladies make it all so simple.)


I'm not really into the music scene today. A song here and there will maybe catch my attention. Otherwise, I like more of the music I grew up with. 90s hip-hop, death ro music, west coast gangsta rap, r&b, soul, and jazz. I wish they would make music like that again.


Menace II Society, The Godfather, Goodfellas, The Usual Suspects, LA Confidential (A RNR thing), Coming to America, 40 Year Old Virgin, Wedding Crashers, etc. Basically, good movies that'll make me laugh or make me think.
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Anything on ESPN. College BBall (University of Arizona BBall especially), Football (University of Miami-FL), NFL, Sports Center. If it's on ESPN, I'm watching it. Every so often I watch the Best Damn Sports Show Period because Matt will cry if I don't mention his show. Other than that, Nip Tuck, 24, Curb Your Enthusiasm, South Park, Sleeper Cell and Entourage. Also, I watch the Cartoon Network for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force (good shit Nick) because I enjoy being a kid part of the time. Finally, I'd like to give props to the best show I've ever seen PERIOD...The Wire. If you ever get a chance, watch the show.


Anything interesting. I haven't read a good book in awhile. At some point, I'm reread the Art of War and finally get to Rich Dad, Poor Dad.(Classic Commerical video).. width="425" height="350" ..


My mom, Spider-Man, Batman, Jack Bauer, and Tom Leykis.

My Blog

Valentine's Day Blog

To all the homies that are stuck goin to dinner/ coming out of the pocket  for gifts/ stuck with your girlfriend/wife/ significant other, sorry for you.  Y'all are gettin hosed by a ficition...
Posted by Lil Dante aka Lipton on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:36:00 PST

Leykis 101 Rules

For those of you that know me (or 97.1 FM), I listen to Tom Leykis every so often. The reason why are his rules. It's pure comedy for the guys. Read and learn... Leykis 101 Rules and Guideli...
Posted by Lil Dante aka Lipton on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 12:41:00 PST

Tea Bag History

Good Shit lil Mike.   The Tea Bag: Let it Loose! by Unique One What is that monstrous concoction bobbing in your mouth? If you've just answered "it's just a tea bag," we need to talk. In this ins...
Posted by Lil Dante aka Lipton on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 05:17:00 PST

Life w/o Black People

A very humorous and revealing story is told about a group of white people who were fed up with African Americans, so they joined together and wished themselves away.They passed through a deep dark tun...
Posted by Lil Dante aka Lipton on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 11:30:00 PST

a perfect day for a man

6:00 Alarm 6:15 Blow job 6:30 Massive satisfying shit while reading the sports section and guess what, the Wildcats won the national title in basketball by beating Duke. Coach O is now running for pre...
Posted by Lil Dante aka Lipton on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 07:20:00 PST

A BJ Blog

Anyone that knows me knows how I feel about H-E-A-D. Read up folks and enjoy. P.S. Thanks Nikki wherever you are.   Blow Jobs WHAT A GIRL HAS TO SAY ON THE SUBJECT1. First and foremost, we are n...
Posted by Lil Dante aka Lipton on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Just A Bored Blog

Your Political Profile Overall: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal Personal Responsibility: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal Fiscal Issues:...
Posted by Lil Dante aka Lipton on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST