Mighty Muggs Lounge profile picture

Mighty Muggs Lounge

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello and Welcome to the official Myspace page for the Mighty Muggs Lounge!
My name is Jose, creator of the Mighty Muggs Lounge and I invite you to join our growing community of Hasbro's Mighty Muggs Lounge collectors. This Myspace page also serves as another media outlet for the Mighty Muggs Lounge Blog which serves up all the breaking Mighty Muggs news from around the globe. Next up is our Forums where you can join other like minded collectors in discussion of a variety of Mighty Muggs topics. Just click on the handy links below to get to where you want to go. Thank you for checking us out and let me be the first one to welcome you, to the coolest place this side of Playboy Mansion, the Mighty Muggs Lounge. See ya there!
Please note that we are in no way affiliated and or part of the Hasbro toy group. This fan page, the Mighty Muggs Lounge and the accompanying forums are run by fans for fans and are for the benefit of the collecting community. Copyrights and trademarks are held by their respective owners. Now, on to FUN!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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My Blog

Are you up to speed on the latest Mighty Muggs news?

If not them make sure you check our main page here.Also, if you are looking for other Mighty Muggs collectors out there to discuss all things Mighty Muggs, may we humbly suggest our forums community w...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 23:13:00 GMT

a moment of your time please.

Hi everybody Just wanted to let you all know that we are hard at work getting the website built for you all. My goal is to have it up and running before Comic Con 2008, where we are planning to make a...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 11:03:00 GMT