'Whispers of the woods' is an adaptation of the classic 'Little Red Ridding Hood' from the Grimm's Fairytale collection. Unlike the original story, Whispers of the Woods takes creative liberties by adding depth, meaning, and symbolism. Every event and character in this short film is meant to be meaningful and thought provoking as well as interesting and entertaining. Where the original story is a warning to listen to the words of elders, Whispers is a commentary on the path of becoming an adult and the dangers and temptations faced by one during that process. The film follows the adventure of a girl named Asya and her travel through a hauntingly dark forest to her dying grandmother. During her travel she meets a gypsy (a wolf creature) by the name of Whispers who guilds Asya off path by using a spell, transporting her deep into the forest. She wanders lost in the woods while Whispers devours Asya's grandmother and remains there in wait for Asya's arrival. Asya later comes across an abusive, lusting Huntsman and his meager, abused ward whom are on a bounty hunt for 'something dark and evil'. Sure that the beast (Whispers) is after her, The Huntsman directs Asya on her way but closely follows using her as bait. The end of 'Whispers of the Woods' is a exhilarating and satisfying assuring that the audience will walk away with a lasting impression. 'Whispers of the Woods' is set to release via Internet October 17th 2008.