britta profile picture


xenophilia is not a disease.

About Me

Britta --

A hard-core grave robber

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.comdon't know what to say for the time being, but i thought this section needed a change since it was over a year old.. hah how time does fly.. way too fast for me to catch up.. so i guess that's all i can say about me right now - that i don't like the passage of time and i don't know what to do with my life.. yea, i'm going through one of those phases.. ah well i guess things will sort themselves out eventually.. sigh*AIM--blackmailx4walls..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

music (a very wide range), playin violin, dressing down, not being a girl, reading, movies (way too many to list), art, asian culture, ireland, red-heads, pirates AND ninjas, layin around, star gazing with friends, anime, video games (final fantasy), holding hands, being ridiculous, bonfires, etc etc..

I'd like to meet:

anyone who cares to meet me.. and also..mmmmm.


radiohead, the shins, menomena, bloc party, !!!, death from above 1979, cloud cult, blonde redhead, 13 and god, m83, the books, fischerspooner, the new pornographers, joanna newsom, the microphones, spoon, califone, secret machines, the flaming lips, the faint, interpol, the dandy warhols, a.c. newman, the album leaf, jars of clay, the notwist, murder by death, cursive, postal service, deathcab for cutie, andrew bird, mogwai, patrick wolf, elliott smith, manitoba, the decemberists, les savy fav, the arcade fire, ratatat, sunny day real estate, jack johnson, gruff rhys, beirut, mirah, bjork, flogging molly, dropkick murphys, damien rice, bell x1, aphex twin, thievery corporation, chemical brothers, american analog set, rage against the machine, kenna, sigur ros, yellowcard, atreyu, my chemical romance, the mars volta, muse, a perfect circle, fin fang foom, q and not u, bright eyes, the streets, jimmy eat world, the blood brothers, the black keys, my brightest diamond, boards of canada, minotaur shock, minus the bear, girl talk, over the rhine, calexico, iron & wine, sufjan stevens, dead poetic, underoath, howie day, jose gonzalez, tv on the radio, mclusky, mum, field music, do make say think, efterklang, the clientele, hood, the good the bad and the queen, ben folds, q and not u, copeland, the working title, the juliana theory, anathello, dosh, avenpitch, yo la tengo, beastie boys, dj danger mouse, michael jackson [thriller], thursday, the used, thrice, finch, a static lullaby, afi, mewithoutyou, brand new, rufio, hopesfall, weezer, furtherseemsforever, the all-american rejects, taking back sunday, glassjaw, gorillaz, zero 7, between the buried and me, phantom planet, nick drake, furtherseemsforever, broken social scene, incubus, story of the year, deftones, mindless self indulgence, coheed and cambria, ...and you will know us by the trail of the dead, apocalyptica, queen, the beatles, the moody blues, cat stevens, james taylor, the allman brothers, led zeppelin, lynyrd skynyrd, classical music, amelie soundtrack, moulin rouge soundtrack, romeo and juliet soundtrack, garden state soundtrack, lord of the rings soundtrack, yo-yo ma, etc.


goonies, boondock saints, the fifth element, hook, donnie darko, fight club, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, amelie, american history x, the united states of leland, gladiator, braveheart, garden state, moulin rouge, kiss kiss bang bang, kill bill, lost in translation, the princess bride, legend, the dark crystal, the secret of nimh, the last unicorn, the land before time, back to the future, lord of the rings, star wars, harry potter, sin city, everything is illuminated, waking life, requiem for a dream, memento, sean of the dead, x-men, romeo and juliet, pirates of the caribbean, teenage mutant ninja turtles the movie, ghostbusters the movie, the adventures of huck finn, indiana jones and the last crusade, the lion king, the little mermaid, shrek, high fidelity, kung fu hustle, memoirs of a geisha, hero, batman movies, grandma's boy, spirited away, howl's moving castle, princess mononoke, balzac and the little chinese seamstress, chungking express, in the heat of the sun, the last samurai, graveyard of fireflies, to live, wet hot american summer, battle royale [though cheesy as hell compared to the book], etc.


almost all things anime [especially escaflowne, cowboy bebop, gankutsuou, and flcl], aeon flux [mtv animated series], family guy, futurama, the simpsons.. heh yea i guess they're all cartoons.. oh yea, and scrubs.. oh yea, and that 70's show.. ok i think that's it.


battle royale, the wind-up bird chronicle, a wild sheep chase, after the quake, stardust, bottomfeeder, frankenstein, invisible monsters, lullaby, harry potter series, the art of looking sideways, my year of meats, tales of the otori series, the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay, dreaming pachinko, the giver, stuff by h.p. lovecraft, brian jacques redwall series, lloyd alexander prydain chronicles [the high king etc], the perks of being a wallflower, a separate peace, street zen: the life and work of issan dorsey, kokoro, gesture life, anything on east asian culture, etc.


i'm not really sure yet.
adopt your own virtual pet!i didn't know where else to put this.. so..
Name: Britta Louise Carlson
Birthday: 1-25-1985
Birthplace: Rocky Mount, NC
Current Location: State College, PA
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: brown [tends to differ depending on the shade of red it has been dyed]
Height: 5'7''
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: swedish, czech, cajun french, british, german.. not sure what else.
The Shoes You Wore Today: flip-flops [standard summer attire]
Your Weakness: uh.. just one?.. that's ridiculous.. ok so i guess cute animals might be one.. or pickles.. yea whatever.
Your Fears: living and/or dying alone.. and uh.. never finding the right guy [heh]
Your Perfect Pizza: w/ artichokes!!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: start dating.. or something of the sort.. and get in better shape.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: BAH.. or maybe it's meh.. no i bet it's heh.. yea.
Thoughts First Waking Up: hit the snooze as fast as humanly possible.
Your Best Physical Feature: you tell me.
Your Bedtime: uh.. heh.. i don't have one?.. it would normally be around 2-3am, but with working at the daycare it's more like 12-1am
Your Most Missed Memory: too many of them.. spending quality time with my good friends from home takes up a lot of memories.
Pepsi or Coke: water
MacDonalds or Burger King: nix the fast food, thanks.
Single or Group Dates: single.. though i haven't exactly been on a real date..
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: ew dude.. what about real tea?
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate.. but that's still lame.. fruit flavors are better.
Cappuccino or Coffee: neither
Do you Smoke: when drinking.. sometimes.. and i'm just assuming we're not talking about weed here.. but either way.. both are occasional.
Do you Swear: yes.. but not around the little kids :X
Do you Sing: yes?.. what the hell kind of question is this??.. am i a professional singer?.. do i like to sing?.. do i have a nice sounding voice?.. do i sing, ever?.. this survey sucks balls.
Do you Shower Daily: yessum
Have you Been in Love: yea.. unfortunately.
Do you want to go to College: been there done that.. might go back for a masters.
Do you want to get Married: yea
Do you belive in yourself: i guess so.. i am a real person and all.. not exactly fictitious.
Do you get Motion Sickness: no
Do you think you are Attractive: sometimes
Are you a Health Freak: i do like to eat healthy.. but i wouldn't say i'm a freak about it.
Do you get along with your Parents:
Do you like Thunderstorms: um.. what happened to the parents question?.. no room to answer that one.. so yes i do get along with my parents and yes i do like thunderstorms.. in fact, i love them.
Do you play an Instrument: violin
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: +
In the past month have you Smoked: +
In the past month have you been on Drugs: +
In the past month have you gone on a Date: -
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: +
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: -
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: -
In the past month have you been on Stage: -
In the past month have you been Dumped: -
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: -
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: +
Ever been Drunk: +.. is it necessary to have two questions about this?
Ever been called a Tease: - haha yea right.
Ever been Beaten up: -.. though i would like to get into a fight.. a bar fight would be lovely.. hah.. no really.
Ever Shoplifted: + if stealing from work counts.. heh.
How do you want to Die: i don't want to die at all.. ever.. immortality is the way to go.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: teach either mandarin or east asian studies related courses at the high school level.. i used to want to be a paleontologist.
What country would you most like to Visit: japan and/or china.. preferably both.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: green/hazel.. no preference really.
Favourite Hair Color: red
Short or Long Hair: short
Height: taller than me i suppose.. doesn't matter much.
Weight: uh.. heh.. strangely enough, i do tend to be attracted to skinnier guys.. but that's stupid.. so uh-yea weight doesn't matter as long as he can go hiking and do physical stuff like that without having a massive coronary.
Best Clothing Style: t-shirt and jeans.. laid back.. [though i may have a slight soft spot for the indie-look]
Number of Drugs I have taken: pot.. so.. that would be one.. though technicaly alcohol is a drug.. so two.. and other various antibiotics.
Number of CDs I own: cds.. hah.. it's called an mp3 player.
Number of Piercings: 3.. ears and labret.
Number of Tattoos: 1.. on the foot.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: too many to list.. but most of all i regret ever being with a certain person.. the only person.. yea he kinda sucks.

My Blog

no idea.

i am going stir crazy. i am sexually frustrated to oblivion. i am a college graduate and i feel like a kid. i am always tired but never can sleep. i am in love with an idea and never a person. i am fu...
Posted by britta on Mon, 21 May 2007 11:45:00 PST

when one should be sleeping..

so this thought occurred to me and i have to put it somewhere-might as well be here.. as i was reading up on Chinatowns for my CHNS 110 paper a good metaphor for my life occurred to me [no idea why th...
Posted by britta on Sun, 06 May 2007 12:31:00 PST

allen can't cut hair. i probably shouldn't derive such joy from the simple pleasure of seeing allen fuck up his hair.. i'm a bad person.. hah but yea, it's pretty damn funny.. and it's a good thing he has a good ...
Posted by britta on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 12:10:00 PST

something i found in my old journal..

you're that itch i'll never be able to scratch. you make me ridiculously angry. you also make me want to wake up every morning, light matches until they burn my fingertips, and fall asleep exhaust...
Posted by britta on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 11:17:00 PST

breaking news..

as of today i have been single for one year.any takers??
Posted by britta on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:14:00 PST

here's what i think..

i think that falling out of love should be as easy as falling into it.i think that falling in love is really just another way of saying that you will always feel a severe pang of jealousy at the thoug...
Posted by britta on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:05:00 PST

bummed out.

so i guess keeler was here yesterday and didn't bother letting me know he was in town.this is britta heartbroken...   [and no one but keeler knows what ...
Posted by britta on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 11:47:00 PST

out of the frying pan and into the fire..

emotions are taking ahold of me these days that i really just don't know what to do with.. back in the day i would have sat down and said exactly what was on my mind.. or written it down in a letter.....
Posted by britta on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:38:00 PST


so much for the whole stip club on valentines day idea.dude i'm just won't be the same going to a strip club if it isn't so much for some titties and ass to cheer me up.hah....
Posted by britta on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 05:21:00 PST

valentines day.

happy valentines day to me.and you.[it's a snow day too.. and who knew snow days existed in college?!!]so i ran into twigg yesterday.. i probably should've predicted this, but i guess nothing can prep...
Posted by britta on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 01:25:00 PST