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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Story

Name: Lee Nicholson
Age: 20
Gender: Type1: XY
Status:Single; Waiting
Here For: Friends
Zodiac: Imma sheep! =D
Orientation: North?
Ethnicity: White


About me?

Hello, I'm called Lee Nicholson.Guess I may as well get cracking writing this thing. I've put it off for a long time. It's hard to write about yourself when you're not sure who you are. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't have a linear speech pattern. I typically talk as the words come to me, move onto a topic and then move back onto the original point. Normally with an explanation as to what i'm talking about! Anyway! In an attempt for order I'm just gonna make little sections.

I'm a twenty year old Psychology student. I am inbetween my second and third year at the moment. When I get my results back I will find out how well or poorly I done and whether I get the privilage of doing my third year. I am a Christian and have being for 3 years now. I am single and not looking; I never look; I wait; No point looking. I just pray that God leads me the right way and that if I like someone and it's not the one - He can show me. Cause that's the way we roll. :D I am somewhat Geeky and I do love my comics, especially webcomics. Some of the funniest literature i've ever read is found by regular people posting things on the internet. I am easily amused by situations and I search for the humour in every situation. I also play a few Computer games. World Of Warcraft mostly although I've being really lazy on that recently because i've being going out with some friends who are, in short, awesome. But don't tell them. Don't want their ego's getting big. I know one of them would poke fun at me lol. But I do like my other friends too, who I don't see that much anymore. But still talk too/play games with/Go to uni with. :)


Positives? Honest, loyal, contemplative, Not quick to Anger, Quick to trust, Love people, Love Music, Love God, Worship, Love to Listen, Love to Help, Not Deceptive, Not Manipulative, Open about things, Humble[I try], Not Competitive, Able to laugh and make jokes about painful times in my life. :) I normally have some kind of a story which I found amusing in lots of situations - About 95% of these are true. I do occasionally make elaborate stories up for a gag. They are normally easy to spot because they are so silly it couldn't be real. I just assume people can tell the difference. I normally finish those stories snickering going "Not really like, but still"


I joke around - Often stops people taking me seriously. Often non-linear when talking, I can't quote where Scripture is, Sometimes spend too much time in my head, Dislike asking for help [Feeling a burden] Feel free to let me know of more ;) I occasionally drift off into my head and then make a bizzare. E,g. "A crocodile would be awesome" Which was a comment made to a topic 2 minutes prior to do with Guard animals. I forgot to mention I was still thinking about it. I'm not slow; I keep up; I just want to raise the point =D


I'm a Christian; I am a person that has put trust in the Person of Christ and that he came to the earth to die for the sins of all, and rose again to give eternal life to all who would believe in him. I'm a Child of God and part of Gods family. This doesn't make me perfect. Despite what a lot of people would expect - It just means through faith I've being saved. Not through works or anything else but by trusting in the Sacrafice Christ made. I'm just a Sinner Saved By The Grace Of God. Each day becoming more Christ like by allowing him to work through me. I've not slept in a long time so I may be rambling a bit. Sorry - Seriously though - If you have any questions about Christ. Get in contact with me. I'd love to tell you more about him. :)


I have a thing where I dislike standing on the right of people. I like being on the left of someone. I like my physical space - too close and I feel uncomfortable. Make physical contact without me realising i'm going to jump a bit. Do it anyway I'll feel anxious. Unless I trust/like you a lot I'm okay with them people. I tap bollards. I wash my hands 2/3 times when I go to the bathroom. I'm a bit of an insomniac living on 3/4 hours. I used to be in quite a bit of leg pain but it's not hurt in a while. But that's a secret for now - In case in comes back ;)


Pasta. Noodles. Chinese. Pizza. Salad. Music. Bible. God. Praise/Worship. Reading. Guitar(Acoustic). Orange Juice. Snickers. Smart shirts. Friends. Amusing stories.


Liars. Cheaters. Arrogance. Forced Ignorance. Hard Hearts. Injustice. Manipulaters. Those unwilling to help. Proud people. Abusers;Verbal/Physical. Racists. Sexists. Unwillingness to love. Aggression. Threats.


Pass my Psychology Degree - Maybe do a Masters or go straight for the Police.


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Without love what we do means nothing.

My Blog

My personality...Wow.

Advanced Global Personality Test Results Extraversion |||||||||| 36% Stability |||||||||||||||||| 73% Orderliness |||||||||| 33% Accommodation |||||||||||||| 56% Interdependence |||| 1...
Posted by [|Afroduck|] on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 11:46:00 PST


I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something, the...
Posted by [|Afroduck|] on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 02:28:00 PST