SHYLOVE: On July 25 1975, to Gwendolyn Harris and Calvin Brown a star was born. Shylove has been around music all her life, growing up with the inspiration of her mother who also had dreams of being a singer/model, Shylove just wanted to follow in the footsteps of her mom and keep the dream alive.At the age of 7 Shylove,s talents had already risen to the point of professional statu, her poetry, singing, rapping, short stories, and ability to write songs were coming through so strong that it was unbelievable that a child of this age could have so many talents and yet they were going unnoticed.Shylove has had the privilege of singing with the Greater Canaan MB Church Children and Adult Choirs at age 12 through her teenage years where she has accompanied them on their travels to Washington DC and Lynchburg, Virginia for major concerts where on occasion she was considered one of the premier singers.As Shylove grew older her talents got stronger, which pushed her into a position where she became one of the founding members of D.E.T.E.R(Drug. Elimination. Through. Educational. Resolve), which had the backing of the 111th street YMCA Headed by Mrs Gwendolyn Change & Phyllis Overstreet, this organization was one of the organizations responsible for raising money for the Chicago Public School Academic and Sports programs in addition to concerts and other showcases performed.Shylove has also had the privilege of working with a few people with ties to the music industry, LACRESIA CAMPBELL of the GOSPEL SOUL CHILDDREN of Chicago and JUKUBE FELTON just to name a few, Shylove is also a member of the Illinois District Council Missionary Inspirational Choir and Beautiful Temple Apostolic Church "VOICES OF LOVE", where she serves as directress of music.But yet among all these accomplishments, her talents and greatness still go unheralded. But now with the emerging of Enharmonic, Shylove's talent and love for music will finally be heard.
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