REDD FROST profile picture


About Me

been spittin since about 99. started out with online battle raps and things like that then i got some beat makers and started making actualy songs and ever since then me and my boy retro hex been spittin together makin hits that i know everyone ive ever shown them to has liked. my style is different i have never heard anyone like me and hex. together our group name is retro hex. just lookin to get my name out there i gotta stick some of my newer songs on here but my comp is being a fuck tard

My Interests


Member Since: 15/11/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: me REDD FROST and RETRO HEX
Influences: eminem, dr dre, all old school rap, basically shady aftermath.
Sounds Like: nobody else but me
Record Label: im free

My Blog


last night was boring kyle and his girlfriend ended up getting smashed at dave and buster's so i took em home. then i sat at the top of my street looking for something to do and ended up coming home a...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 10:09:00 GMT