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I am here for Friends

About Me

Born and raised in NY, ten minutes from the beach. The shoreline came to play a major role in my life. Love it. So beautiful. I love taking care of it. I worked there for eight seasons in as many years. Fire Island, NY. Most beautiful stretch of sand in the world. And i guess i've seen a few. Dang this is difficult! Every life is a huge continuous tale that cannot be expressed through electronic media, but i shall try. I'm a big fan of human interaction, or even better, a person's interaction with the natural world. there is so much to be found in it! excitement, adventure, really wild things!! But my family and friends are the closest to my core. I like to travel when i have the money. I like to sample other perspectives on life. I like to party, I like to read and relax. Never done any hardcore drugs really. although they offer different perspectives indeed, delving into a synthetic reality isn't for me. i curse alot when i feel i can. it's the NYer in me. Italian and German mutt is me. I cherish all the relationships that have helped me become the person i am today, plutonic and romantic. all have various amounts of lessons within them if you choose to learn them. they aren't inherent in the interaction, but need to be coaxed out from between the lines. Hey, i'm all for commercialism and harvesting of resources as long as it is done in an environmentally concious way. I lothe the Bush administration. If i had a billion dollars i would make alternative energy sources affordable after geneticially engineering myself a pet dinosaur. i'm a curious mix i suppose. i tend to smile alot people say. my philosoply is not to be stressed in life because that'll kill you quicker than anything and it'll make the time until it kills you miserable. yeah there are certain things you can't avoid getting stressed over but those situations are good for their own particular, if bitter or professional, taste. they help you grow. definately don't stress over the consistancy of a mocha latte frappuchino thing because i tend to keep things simple, like ordering plain ol coffee. whatever the heck happened to plain ol coffee?? i suppose this category should be the longest. I've got two eyes that change color depending upon my shirt, a roman nose, and a mouth that is surroded by a beard depending upon the season. my hair curls if it gets too long which it currently is not. Boo for that. I drool when i fall asleep but i don't snore. i love making a bed out of beach sand. i love sand i my hair and in my bed. i love a hot cup of something after skiing. i love a shower after five days in the wilderness. i love helping my mom becuase she seems to love helping me. my parents are divorced and i was raised by my mother and her sisters. My dad does kick ass (not for a living anymore) and i see him when i can. my sister is an exceptional person and i admire her greatly. My dog Biscuit died in my arms at a ripe old doggy age. We were puppies togther (I was three). my friends are varied in personality but and it's amusing as hell to me to consider why we are as close as we are. i admire and am proud of my friends accomplishments. i like making new friends - duhhh. it sucks to lose love over circumstance but, unfortunately, i've gotten more practice at it than i would like. i'm headstrong and usually impulsive. is anyone still reading this?? i am currently pursuing a path in life that keeps me in the woods, or i could travel incessantly and keep on volunteering. i like working with water - keeping our most valuable resource pure. or saline. whatever it is supposed to be. speaking of which, i have bouyancy issues in freshwater and much prefer to swim in the ocean. i am deathly afraid of giant squid. man you just don't have a chance against one of those. at least you can punch a shark though that's still sharks either, please. i thank commercialism my ipod and nalgene, some of the clothes on my back and little else. Too much stuff detracts from the really fun things in life. i feel very lucky to have had the oppotunities i have had thus far and remain thankful for life daily. i love it when nature makes colors like purple and pink. i wish people had more than five senses, because these five amaze me. i try and have few expectations because being continuiously surprised at things is exhilarating. i like the english language. i recently discovered i love hearing a beautiful woman speak fluent french. ooooohhhhh yeah. until then i didn't think much of the french because they didn't think much of me in paris. crap i hope this gets some sort of idea across because i feel stupid writing anymore. Most of you would know me already if i'm on this thing right???

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jimmy Buffett, William Shatner, Lao-Tzu, Beck, my great-grandparents and ancestors. Otherwise, cool people. Prefably those who can cook or make chocolate.

My Blog

my outfit

i chose to write about something other than "life" for a change. Fashion, style, and shopping. well, if anyone knows me they know that i dig all three of those things. very much. ummmm. i found t...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 19:33:00 GMT

belated and embittered?

i was just reading some of my most recent blogs and i was pretty bitter there for awhile!  i seem to have woken up in the last two months from one weird wintry dream.  wouldn't call it a nig...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 16:42:00 GMT

Sayonara Silly Sity

Hey, for once i found a category other than Life that illustrates the subject of a blog.  pat pat pat back back back I am ecstatic to report that today is my last monday as a cow willfully walkin...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 06:18:00 GMT


people are like ants: this morning on the New York news just one snippit of what i hear tells of a 15 car accident on one of the many highways.  it snowed last night.  one fatality.  th...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 06:04:00 GMT

Love, Life, and Death

all my friends, if you'll please abide and read, if you will, this simple rhyme about my aunt, who died today. and changed our world when she went away. For it's a different world without ea...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 21:59:00 GMT


to quote the Ziggens: it's great to be unemployed!  it's fun for a girl and a boy! it's great to be unemployed, and if ya didn't guess it, we're unemployed.  it's great to be out of work!&n...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 13:17:00 GMT

mine eyes have been damned

whaddya know, another blog about life...  what can i say, there's been a lot of it of late... where to begin?  how is it possible that almost a whole book's worth of stories could have been ...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 13:44:00 GMT

finally, something

something of substance of which to write! if bad things come in threes, then good things come in tidal waves all at once which make it hard to sift through the goodness.  My life at present is mo...
Posted by on Mon, 21 May 2007 11:42:00 GMT


I think i use more ellipsies than the average person.  Keep a lookout for them throughout this email.  Prizes to the person who spots the most ellipsies!  okay, where to take this blog ...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 22:43:00 GMT


   I had one hell of a time resurrecting myself from the undead state i assumed two weekends ago for the Urban Iditarod, '07.  The amazing array of people i got to see and hear and talk...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 16:35:00 GMT