Blessed is a Liturgical Dance Ministry that was formed by God, which gave our member, Victoria Frison, a vision. The vision he planted on her heart was to form a ministry that would bring the youth and unsaved souls to God through dance. Our ministry consist of four young ladies named Victoria, Shanika, Inga, and Jazmine. We also have a mentor named Mrs. Jay Jay. We belive God has our manager in his hands. Meanwhile, what truely brought us together was the calling of Jesus Christ. We have grown into a group of individuals that love praising and lifting up the name of JESUS and we are not ashammed of the Gospel of Christ. Our mission is for youth souls to be saved healed, and delivered. By praising GOD, we are determined to exceed in our Vision and Mission Statement, with the father, son, and, the "Holy Spirit" on our side.
*Praise is demanded by us. Worshiping is what we do. In order for us to recieve the blessings from GOD, we must first put ourself in order with his word.