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Good survey! all about me!!
The boring stuff!
Whats your name?: MaGgIe 0rTiZ
How old are you?: 16
Whens your birthday?: 11-11-90
Your boyfriend/girlfriend questions!
Do you have a bf/gf?: WhErE oN a 0fF aNd 0n
If so whats their name?: DaMiAn
Are you in love?: YeA
If not, do you think you will fall for your gf/bf?: wE aLrEaDy R
Do you get along w/ your parents?: SoMe TiMeS
If not, why?: DoNt NoE
Do you have any siblings?: YeA
If so how many?: 2 oLdEr SiStAs AnD a LiL Br0tHa
If so are you close w/ them?: YeA
Do you get along with them?: SoMe TiMeS
Who is/are your bestfriend(s)?: Gl0RiA aNd dAmIaN
Who long have you been friends with them?: 2 YeArS
How well do your friends know you?: ThEy n0e En0uGh
Can you tell them anything?: YeA
Whats one of your best memories w/ your friends?: ThE dAy I MeT tHeM
~Plans for the future~
Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years?: StIlL iN sKo0l AnD m0dElIn
Who Do you see yourself with?: WiTh DaMiAn
who do you hope your with?: DaMiAn
where do you want to live?: SpAiN
What kinda carrer do you want?: 2 m0dEl 0r 0wN a SaLoN
Do you shower daily?: DuH
do you use deoderant?: DuH
If so what kind?: SEcReT
Do you brush your teeth daily?: DuH
Do you use lotion?: SoMe tImEs
If so what kind?: WhAtEvA i FiNd tHaT sMeLlS g0oD
do you dye your hair?: NoPe
If so what color?:
~Random questions~
Do you like your last name?: NoPe
Do you drink?: NoPe
do you smoke?: NoPe
have you ever done drugs?: NoPe
If so did you like it?: NoPe
Do you like Fire?: NoPe
Do you like candles?: SoMe tImEs
If so what scent?: I dOnT cArE
Whats you favorite color(s)?: PiNk ReD WhItE
whats you favorite movie?: I d0nT n0e 2 MaNy
do you like pizza?: YeA
if so what kind?: I DoNt NoE
do you like to read?: NoPe
if so does anyone know that?: NoPe
What is your favorite season of the year?: SuMmA
Why is that your favorite?: cUz ThErEs No Sk0oL AnD iTs HoT
Have you ever been in love?: YeA aNs sTiLl Am
Do you have a t.v in your room?: YeA
what about a dvd player?: NoPe
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