bands. concerts. fashion. eating good food = my life in a nutshell
hmm.since i know mee (or i think i do) i want to meet you! haha be my buddy!! you can also talk to me if ya want on AIM s/n: surferbro03! yaaaa im such a bro...This profile was edited with The CricketSoda Myspace EditorR.I.P TRACY ELIZABETH, coolest most random myspace account/ modster/ mod n taller/crazy girl...yes so sad...this one is for you tracyizzle!
Acceptance.AFI .AmericanAnalogSet.Anberlin. TheAppleseedCast. TheArcadeFire. Beck.BlocParty.BlondeRedhead. BloodBrothers.BrightEyes. BrokenSocialScene.TheClash.Copeland. THECURE.Cursive.DavidBowie. DeathcabForCutie. TheDecemberists.DepechMode.ElliotSmith. ExplosionsInTheSky. THEFAINT.TheFireBirdBand. TheFlamingLips. GangofFour. IMaRobot.Interpol. JetstoBrazil. JimmyEatWorld. JohhnyCash.J oyDivision. TheJulianaTheory.TheKills. TheKinison.Ladytron .LeTigre.TheMeters. Metric. MEW.Mineral. MinusTheBear. Morrissey. MovingUnits. MurderCityDevils. Muse. NEWORDER. TheNewPornographers. MonstersAreWaiting. OfMontreal. OutHud. Pinback. ThePolice. PrettyGirlsMakeGraves. Radiohead.TheRapture.RiloKiley. SavsTheDay. TheShins.SigurRos. THESMITHS .Thesounds.TheSubways. .TheStills.TigerArmy. TillyandTheWall.Veda. TheVelvetUnderground. WatashiWa.WeAreScientists. WolfParade.Wrens.brian eno. clinic. massive attack. j esus and the mary chain. the rosebuds. mellowdrone. the presets. the like. nine black alps........................................................ ............................................................ .............................. I skipped some...just some on my mind...
Garden state,Old School, dumb and dumber, wedding crashers, anchorman.beautiful mind.
television smellivision. SPIKE TV the only channel for men!! i love MXC i get a stomach ache everytime i watch that show!!
i like classical books and poems written in the early 19th century. all those new dimeback novels make me sick.
G.I. joes...because..."knowing is half the battle, GO JOE!"