Helping Animals in Hampton Roads profile picture

Helping Animals in Hampton Roads

Volunteer for the animals!!

About Me

PETA's volunteer program is designed to put you in touch with the inner workings of the animal rights movement and the way that PETA operates. All you compassionate folks in the Hampton Roads area are invited to attend a party each Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the PETA headquarters in Norfolk, VA , to work on projects, socialize with PETA staffers and other like-minded people, snack on delicious vegan food, and receive updates about PETA's campaigns.
PETA volunteers also help with grassroots outreach activities, including demonstrations and tabling events; conduct on-line research; correspond with members and activists; do clerical work; prepare mailings; and participate in other educational opportunities within the local community.
What do you say, want to be a part of the biggest (and in our opinion, most fun) animal rights organization in the world?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who would like to volunteer for PETA in the Hampton Roads area!