Bleepfiend is a totally independent net-label, primarily dedicated to releasing lost/forgotten/unreleased electronic music recordings that we feel deserve a wider audience, completely free of charge, to the best of our limited abilities.
Why bother?
Because we want to tell a story: the story of a generation's struggle to realise it's ideas under limitations that would be unthinkable for electronic artists today. This is music made at subsistence level, harnessing whatever technology was available or affordable at the time, from analogue synths to cheap home keyboards, extinct micro-computers to domestic tape recorders. It is the sound of struggle - the creative urge pushing against limitations, forcing the artists to develop their own recording strategies.
The music on offer was recorded in a time before the Internet made it possible to upload, share and promote work to a wider audience. This is music that never had a chance to be heard by anyone outside the artist's immediate circle of friends. But still it's forgotten potential locked in the ferric particles of dusty cassette tapes.
Bleepfiend needs your tunes, so dust-off those old tapes and send us some shit. All styles within the electronic medium considered. We're especially looking for any recordings made with Casio and other home keyboards or Amiga samples and trackers.
Bleepfiend operates a strict 'No Soft-Studios' policy.