Danny Man profile picture

Danny Man

if it doesnt make you want to go really fast in a cricle its not worth listening to

About Me

I'm an ass hole. i do drugs. I like to drink good beer. I like hawking up lugies in my mouth and playing with them for a while before I spit them out. I slap babies and abuse animals. i'm pro rape, pro abortion, and anti rape abortion. MEAT IS NEAT BITHCES so eat a cow, they're worthless anyway. I litter. I publicly urinate. i'm a sexist, raceist anti-semetic piece of shit. fuck you the end

My Interests

puppies, music, alcohol, titties, guns, bitches, and other gangsta ass shit. Rollin up in the 775, skateing, going tho sac, getting the fuck out of sac, I love the ladies. I like anything sexual. I masterbate more than anyone on the planet. I like long walks on the beach, being naked, masterbating while I'm on the phone with people, throwing up on my crotch and wakeing up the next morning and sniffing it to see if was piss....but it wasnt, listening to music, hanging out with harper while he's on house arrest, putting up my hair, watching porn, going porn shopping, sleeping naked, pretty much anything I can do naked Ive done Naked, embarassing myself at the skate park, chillin with my little brother, going downtown, hanging out at britlyns house, getting drunk at britlyns house, food not bombs, playing the g-tar, smelling good, smelling bad, accedently prooving there's no god, sleeping, sex, Getting hickeys, giving hickeys,smokeing cigs, pooping, walking places, ditching school, writing songs that tell stories with harper, drinking, getting drunk, eating, eating, eating, eating, eating, eating, eating, jumping around in my room to loud music cuz we all do it, sleeping in abandoned boats, having spitball fights, putting my extremidies in very odd places, looking at girls tits when their t-shirt says something.drinkin fo-dies in my hott tub, playing the guitar naked, rubbing my balls right after I wake up, and anything else of that nature.....

I'd like to meet:

myself cuz i rule

Instead of being a fag leave me a comment bitch.


listen to the music I like, It'll make you cool!!!

Oi Polloi,The Buisness,Assert,Antidote,Dogshit Sanwitch,Conflict,Crass,The Nags,4 Skins,The Restarts,Lower Class Brats,Uk Subs,Chaos UK,Total Chaos,Filth,GG Allin,The Adicts,The Exploited,Defiance,The Devotchkas,Children Of Reagan,Dog Assassin (local),Bafabagiya (local),Naked Agression,Bristle,Operation Ivy,The Misfits,Black Flag,Oxymoron,A Global Threat,Combat Shock,Kraut,Aus-Rotten,The Havoc,Blitz,Anti-Nowhere League,Subhumans,Reagan Youth,The Defects,Decendants,Millions of Dead Cops,The Bruisers,Dead Kennedys, (Jello's voice pisses me off tho)5 Cent Deposit,Cheap Sex,The Profits,17 Stitches,Cocksparrer,Vice Squad,Abrasive Wheels,Amendment Eighteen,Attenat Snore,Backslide,Blatz,G.B.H.,Grimple,Doom,Brother Inferior,Nausea,One Way System,Discharge,Disrupt,Dystopia,OI! Scouts,Spazm151,USV,Rudimentary Peni,Civil Disobedience,Voetsek,Germs,Behinds Enemy Lines,Angry Samoans,The Virus,Capitalist Casualties,D.R.I.,Skeptix,Riot/Clone,Fear,Blanks 77,Misery,Destroy,Disaffect,V.D.,Leftover Crack,The Partisans,Resist & Exist,Disorder,Fleas and Lice,9 Shocks Terror,DROPDEADSedition,Antischism,The Plasmatics,Quincy Punx,Harum Scarum,Mankind?,Cluster Bomb Unit,Cress,Final Conflict,G.I.S.M.,Los Crudos,Leftover Crack,Detestation,State Of Fear,Toxic Narcotic,Crucial Unit,.D.I.,Green Beret,Limp Wrist,Born/Dead,Phobia,The Pogues,The Shitgivits,Scurvy Bastards,Stockyard Stoics,Black Army Jacket,Inital State,S.T.F.U.,Mike V. and The Rats,Bones Brigade,Deadfall,Skarp,General Surgery,Deceased,American Distress,Caustic Christ,Christian Death,Extreme Noise Terror,notHINK,Charles Bronson,Eater,Econochrist,Hellnation,Iskra,F.P.O.,World Burns To Death,Hellshock,Calloused,Shitlist,ABC Diablo,3 Way Cum,A Scanner Darkly,The Accused,Agathocles,County Medical Examiners,Allergic To Whores,Larm,Killed In Action,Hero Dishonest,Plan of Attack,ANS,Annihilation Time,Brody's Militia,Widespread Bloodshed,Avskum,Dystrophy,Uncurbed,SMD,Y,Totalitar,Beastie Boys,Chainsaw,Case Of Emergency,Catheter,Fubar,Despite,Against Empire,The Farts,Finntroll,Flash Gordon,Gaia,Driller Killer,El Dopa,Insult,Man is the Bastard,way too many to list

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Donnie Darko, Clockwork Orange, Suburbia, The Breakfast Club, Goodfellas, SIN FUCKING CITY, Taxi Driver, The Dangerous Lives Of Alter Boys, Fight Club, Battle Royal, Pogo Attack, Lords of Dogtown, Thrashin',American History X, Gleaming the Cube, Heavy Metal, Heavy Metal 2000, Casino, Scarface,


The young ones


1984, clockwork orange, slaughterhouse five, Harry Potter, A Million Little Pieces mine kamf ummmm and A Brief History Of Space And Time by stevan hawkins


My little brother, my friends, My mom, wayne brady, ice cube, dr. phil

My Blog

I suck at life

that about sums it up... the end
Posted by Danny Man on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:01:00 PST