CookiePuss profile picture


About Me

.."I would sure love to work with her, I've never seen a girl with so many problems." - Andy Warhol..
♥♥♥ "When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better then them." - Marilyn Monroe" ♥♥♥
♥ One word; Dundant.
♥ When I was three I graduated with flying colors from Nursery School. During a highly-acclaimed graduation performance of "We Are The World", three year old moi rolled up her dress slowly throughout the song, revealing pink ruffled panties by the time Cyndi Lauper's solo began. My father laughed his ass off, my mother wouldn't speak to me. Some things never change...
♥ I have (always had) some very big balls for a very little girl.
♥ I have permanent road rage.
♥ Some goals, both long term and short: To grace the virtual pages of in some form of tutu, to be able to digest food in an effective manner, to live within the confines of a rhinestone-picket fence.
♥ I am small enough to change cloths in my car, which I often do, for kicks.
♥ The only bush I trust is my own.
♥ I am the sole inventor of the highly-fabled and hugely-feared "Stink Eye".
♥ Another word: WHACK-A-MOLE.
♥ The smell of beer makes me nauseaus. I much prefer men who chug Vodka. Or Gin. Or both.
♥ I think that chocolate chips ruin completely good Vanilla Ice Cream.
♥ I think Tom Brady looks...well..."special" (the ShortBus and CrashHelmet variety).
♥ I know, in good confidence, that MapQuest is the definate work of the Devil.
♥ I ADORE Homemade Blueberry Muffins- the kind baked with an elderly flair bordering on Alzheimer's and a generous smattering of crystalized sugar.
♥ The word "NO" makes me smirk.
♥ Nothing bores me more than mediocrity: I take my tea burning hot, have a flair for wasabi, and am loyal to a fault. Problematic is the unalienable fact that, by definition, most things in life are mediocre. Subsequently, most things in life bore me.
I'd rather walk through a fire than around it.
♥ I always need a pre-bedtime snack.
♥ I am what Lacey calls a "foil whore", and I love it.
♥ I am what Shar calls "trophy-wife material" and "a hot piece of ass", and I concur.
♥ The thought of buying eggs at Walmart makes me nervous, and roadkill makes me intensely depressed.
♥ I do a mean cathartic goat dance.
♥ I hate fluffy toilet paper, The Shawshank Redemption, and hoodies without pockets.
♥ I hate the redundancy I have exhibited in my last statement and question if my contempt for said redundancy lies within my "redundant" colon.
♥ Succinctly, I hate gratuitous self-indulgence disquised as "intellect".
♥ I believe in the power of Benefiber, love, and resilliance.
♥ I find the institution of TinFoil absolutely brilliant and the convention of the ZipLock absolutely necessary.
♥ I take personal issue with the displaying of plasitc Baby Jesuses and the subsequent "two reindeer rule" and thus often ponder expanding the religion created in my head...but I simply dont have the patience required to impart it to the masses.
♥ Someone put their cigaratte out repeatedly in my proverbial "glass" and it tends to cloud the house I throw my stones from.
♥ I am in need of a lui every half-an-hour yet do not support the flushing of public restroom latrines, thus passivley "marking my territory" throughout America.
♥ I am notorious for never putting the cap on the toothpaste.
♥ I am the speller from HELL despite my empirical reign as Bi-Coastal Scrabble Champion. I blame this on my parents, who divorced to avoid killing each other, and rendered me on a twisted path through 8 elementary schools before i was 12. Forcing me to always miss that oh-so-important grammar lesson.
I am a force to be reckoned with, buyer beware.
please excuse the whoreanous lighting and equally as shiteous camera angles...ENJOY!
.. .. ....>

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dirty Nasty

Uncle Jesse.

♥ Aunty Rhonda.
♥ Someone with Letterman's humor, Stamos's face, and TommyLee's...wallet.
♥ Someone who can chew glass like Orbit
♥ Someone who doesn't bore me.
♥ Someone who deosn't measure their success in punching a time clock.
♥ Dave Navarro
♥ Hubert Selby Jr
♥ Phillippe Petit
♥ Jonathan Caouette
♥ Michael Alig
♥ Tappy Tibbons
♥ The Feebles


***Anyone who needed a dictionary to make it this far down the page.***

Captian Underpants.

Anyone who reached the pinnacle of their self-deluded "success" somewhere between a 1979 highschool production of "Yentil" and a 1987 StarSeach audition cassette tape featuring the trainwreck-in-question braying like a beached-whale-in-heat to the strains of Helen Reddy's "You're My World". I don't want to encounter the SledgeBeast embodying this distinction ever again and its highly unlikely I ever will; she currently spends each day in her dilapidated apartment with sponge-painted wall paper and Levitz formica endtables, donning her best white skort from Marshalls (complete with FupaFlap bursting at the seams), still waiting to be "discovered" at 42 years old...while her pedophile husband lasciviously scopes out her daughter, drinks generic "CuppaCheeNis", and takes sporadic joyrides down to the local middle school to scope out the "fine 'Rican tail".

Anyone who maligns the defenseless high-school intern at Sears Portrait Studios to take nudey smutpics of themselves, then whips out then so-called "boudoir photos" at the local Stop and Shop, CheeseCake Factory, or family dinner.

Thinly veiled cries for help with thier head so far up Mumma's bung they think there is such thing as a "bad" KrispyKreme and a "good" outfit from Cache.

Middle-aged hasbeens who list "Showgirls" as gospel and count Nomi Malone and her raging camel-toe as soul spiritual advisor.

White people who pride themselves on living in "the hood" and insist on speaking in affected Ebonix to each other via MySpace comments despite their private schooled education.

People who drink out of SoloCups on a regular basis.


Also, those who refer to me as "mami" and intone me to "holla back", Pakistanis looking to make "American Friends" via AIM, and "well-known Hollywood Producers" who can "make me a star" overnight, under their desk.

*** EPILOGUE***:
You know who you are.
And that said, if you dont like what I have to say,
why do you insist on visiting here several times a day?

and, on a final note...

My Blog

Misadventures of (nonExistent) Youth

In addition to being the "star" of the 1977 Danvers High School production of "Yentil", BJ prided herself on her empirical cruelty to cats. When she had exhausted every nuance of her portrayal as a C...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 22:50:00 GMT

Heath Ledger is dead...and overrated

I'm just going to come right out and say this.I've entertained a myriad of euphamisms in my head for about a week now, knowing that the thoughts of which I'm about to share will rattle the better part...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 11:28:00 GMT

Happy Birthday to MOO (have another donut Aunty Bovine)

MOOOOOOOOOOOOODear Aunty Bovine.On July 13th 2008 you will wake up and be 44 years old.This is a monumental year for you. It is not every year that a person's age is in perfect unison with the measure...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 08:30:00 GMT

Observations from the 2008 MTV Movie Awards

Per Usual, yours truly was invited to attend and accessorize the MTV Movie Awards.This year's festivities took the term "ShitShow" to an entirely new level, as the GoldenPopcorns were bestowed to B-Li...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 10:10:00 GMT

my head runneth over.

Elvis Psarros, my GreekMaltese, consumed copious amounts of Brillo pad last night. As I stood there, his face decorated in dangly wire and patches of blue poisonous powder resembling a Demon...
Posted by on Thu, 08 May 2008 15:49:00 GMT

Yard Sale

Ah Yard Sale.  The age old WhiteTrash past time that permits the momentarily plentiful to excessively use neon posterboard, put prices on things that should be in the garbage, and unload th...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 13:16:00 GMT

Orange Alert at the Palms

I should begin by saying that I (still) do not have a physical lisence.  If there is any question about what I am referring to please view the blog directly below this one. Not having a...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 13:58:00 GMT

recent influx of Corky Thatchers at the local DMV

Apparently, when you get fired from TacoBell for inappropriate use of Gordita filling or let go from the BigK for less than stellar BlueLight knowledge, the government will employ you."Don’t wor...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:51:00 GMT


...Just a thought. To all those who claim to "not care" about me. ...why do you SPY on me 24/7? What, is it a slow week on "AllMyChildren"? Perhaps its pre-empted because of the WEATHAH. Or did you ...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 00:22:00 GMT

The Aunt of Joah-Dah-Nah (work in progress)

This blog is Up-And-Coming and the following serves as a bookmark for the verbal carnage that is soon to follow... Seeing as how I work for a living and do not have the luxury of sueing every unassumi...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 01:33:00 GMT