Dirty Nasty
Uncle Jesse.
♥ Aunty Rhonda.
♥ Someone with Letterman's humor, Stamos's face, and TommyLee's...wallet.
♥ Someone who can chew glass like Orbit
♥ Someone who doesn't bore me.
♥ Someone who deosn't measure their success in punching a time clock.
♥ Dave Navarro
♥ Hubert Selby Jr
♥ Phillippe Petit
♥ Jonathan Caouette
♥ Michael Alig
♥ Tappy Tibbons
♥ The Feebles
***Anyone who needed a dictionary to make it this far down the page.***
Captian Underpants.
Anyone who reached the pinnacle of their self-deluded "success" somewhere between a 1979 highschool production of "Yentil" and a 1987 StarSeach audition cassette tape featuring the trainwreck-in-question braying like a beached-whale-in-heat to the strains of Helen Reddy's "You're My World". I don't want to encounter the SledgeBeast embodying this distinction ever again and its highly unlikely I ever will; she currently spends each day in her dilapidated apartment with sponge-painted wall paper and Levitz formica endtables, donning her best white skort from Marshalls (complete with FupaFlap bursting at the seams), still waiting to be "discovered" at 42 years old...while her pedophile husband lasciviously scopes out her daughter, drinks generic "CuppaCheeNis", and takes sporadic joyrides down to the local middle school to scope out the "fine 'Rican tail".
Anyone who maligns the defenseless high-school intern at Sears Portrait Studios to take nudey smutpics of themselves, then whips out then so-called "boudoir photos" at the local Stop and Shop, CheeseCake Factory, or family dinner.
Thinly veiled cries for help with thier head so far up Mumma's bung they think there is such thing as a
"bad" KrispyKreme and a "good" outfit from Cache.
Middle-aged hasbeens who list "Showgirls" as gospel and count Nomi Malone and her raging camel-toe as soul spiritual advisor.
White people who pride themselves on living in "the hood" and insist on speaking in affected Ebonix to each other via MySpace comments despite their private schooled education.
People who drink out of SoloCups on a regular basis.
Also, those who refer to me as "mami" and intone me to "holla back", Pakistanis looking to make "American Friends" via AIM, and "well-known Hollywood Producers" who can "make me a star" overnight, under their desk.
*** EPILOGUE***:
You know who you are.
And that said, if you dont like what I have to say,
why do you insist on visiting here several times a day?
and, on a final note...