It seems that I've been gobbled up by the cyber-gods. A friend - or at least I thought she was my friend - introduced me to myspace sometime ago and... well, it has really robbed me of a whole lot of life, and that's pretty sad. Perhaps it was my own obsessive-compulsive tendency and narcissistic need to view myself in the reflection of these mesmerizing waters that sucked me through this hellish portal? She thought it would be another way to promote and sell books, but that was just another jackoff-Sally. Most people who have purchased LeRoi happily go on to buy my other novels, and most of my books have been sold because of the goodwill of readers who enjoy my style of writing and pass the word on to their friends. If you're interested, check out my website
If you're not interested in my novels, that's okay, too. Tell you the truth, I get far more satisfaction out of writing than I do selling. I used to love the commercial world when I was selling for John Deere, but then I went and had this dream, and the dream wasn't finished, or so it seemed, so I took to pen and paper and wrote the dream forward, and thus came LeRoi and I've been hooked on the writing ever since. I didn't get it; it got me, a lot like the tractor-selling role once took me.
Hell, I never planned on being a Tractor Peddler anymore than I planned on being a Writer. You may have noticed, I don't call myself an author, don't like that kinda crap. If I were to consider myself an author, I'd have to be an authority on certain life subjects, and, to me, life's too much a mystery to take on that sort of false identity.
I just like writing books, just like creating characters and telling stories, and if by chance you stumble upon something profound in my work... well, it was an accident or an act of grace, because like I said, I'm a writer, just a good ol' country-boy, a lost-in-life tractor salesman just trying to find his way, not an author. Far as I'm concerned, the worlds got to damn many authors and other experts trying to tell us what we should eat, drink, wear, read... well, by now you've probably caught on to what I'm getting at.
Oh, and by the way, just because I misspell words and have lousy grammatical habits, doesn't mean I can't tell a good story. And if that's what's keeping you from writing your story... well, don't let a little thing like that get in your way. Be free to write and make mistakes; that's what those uptight editors and proof readers are for, scraping the paint off the floors after you've finished your masterpiece!
 I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (