Monty Python and the Holy Grail in Lego | Posted by on Mon, 10 Aug 2009 16:33:00 GMT |
big scene done bitch :) |
i have to say i was worried about the shoot, but things worked out well enough to get what i wanted out of it, an eveyone who helped out...did great. granted i could have done with out the beers...bu... Posted by on Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:55:00 GMT |
trying again for the movies ending |
filming is near complete an if the weather hold we could be nearly done with the whole movie by this week end. It will still need a little work in the middle..but i will only need images an a few stan... Posted by on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 08:11:00 GMT |
thinking..hmm |
just sitting her an felt compeled to come up with something, well hmm less see.well nothing yet, still about this, sitting near a window ponding the infinate just beyond the sil,... Posted by on Mon, 13 Jul 2009 20:01:00 GMT |
losing someone close |
A troublesum situation, when you lose someone. An what sucks more is when you lose contact before hand, thinking you have forever. Well I lost my grandmother, three days ago. And the drama around it... Posted by on Mon, 22 Jun 2009 16:30:00 GMT |
film near completion |
great news, just a couple more shoots and we will be on the final shoot soon, so all you extras get ready ...though i am not sure about the fire guys ..sorry keep ya updated Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 08:06:00 GMT |
you'll never miss it till its gone away |
"Her penultimate sighsCalled softly on the kindling windsHer saintly eyes, filling with tears, lifting with truthAnd then a golden flash like the onset of HeavenLeaving her screams, Breaking my heartA... Posted by on Wed, 20 May 2009 19:17:00 GMT |
babble of a deep nature. |
Sitting here with in the remains of yesterday I see that the finger will cast downsick of the things that the winds push to the edgetaking the forefront when the rest scream to be heard.looking over ... Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 08:00:00 GMT |
realizing ones place. |
never thought i was doing so bad at one job. Then reveiw time came up, whamo ...guess what , you suck at pretty much everything. And when it comes time for a speicalty spot, I am told that "they" who... Posted by on Fri, 08 May 2009 09:36:00 GMT |
fun while it lasted |
funny how things change, when kids get involved. Small wonders, causing things to grid to a hault. gaming-fading outband- fading out pretty much everything with the bunch, sad to say....I have nothing... Posted by on Wed, 08 Apr 2009 08:23:00 GMT |