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Bragi Páll

About Me

Letting go of worries for the total destruction of the ego. Limiting stupid activities by emphisizing on love. Looking past the faults of others, and on my own. As I have come to realize, everything arises and passes away, so I am above sorrow. I have understood, and gone beyond. Existence is illusion, all things appear and disappear, because of causes and condition, nothing ever exists entirely alone; Everything is in realtion to everything else. I had a real problem with pleasures, pursued them in vain attempt to find happiness, no longer will I waste my life in futile deeds. I have stopped being the judge of people, I do not make assuptions about others, as I do not want others to judge me or make false assumptions. I am myself 100% of the time, and as the people that see the most of me only see a fraction, a glimps of who I am, how can they even consider knowing me at all? I pity the fools, the fool is his own enemy, the mischief he does is his undoing, how bitterly he suffers. The reason for my attempt to straighten myself, is so I can straighten the crooked. I shall subdue myself, and discover my master. By absence of grasping, I shall be made free, so I will rely on nothing, until i want nothing. As my worst enemy cannot harm me as much as my own thoughts, ungarded, I have decided to master them, for no one can help you as much as your thoughts mastered, not even your father or your mother. Thus I got rid of the tendency to judge myself, above, below or equal to others. I have come to love friendliness, for it makes ill-will grow less, and compassion, for it makes vexation grow less, and most of all i adore equanimity, for it makes repugnance grow less. I use gentleness to overcome anger. I use gereosity to overcome meanness, and with truth I have overcome deceit. I try really hard to see myself in others, for then I can hurt none, and do no harm. It took me such a long time to realize that harsh words never serve as a remedy, and are pleasant to no one, and that the greatest gain is to give to others, that wich you would want yourself. Some say that we are what we eat, that is true, in a way, but I think more importantly, we are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts, and with our thoughts we make the world. I have stopped pursueing the past, and loosing myself in the future, as the past is no longer, and the future has not yet come. I look deeeply at life as it is, in the very here and now, and try to dwell in stability and freedome. My opinion is that we must be diligent today, to wait until tomorrow is too late. Death comes unespectedly, so how can I bargain with it? I do only what i do not regret, as it makes life a lot more nice. I no longer look for bad company, or live with those who do not care. I now have friends who love the truth. I consider myself free from desire, thus free from the dark places of the heart. With single mindedness I quell in my own thoughts, to end their wandering. Seated in the cave of my heart, I look for freedom. Those who grasp after views and philosophical opinions wander around the world annoying people, so have I become free from my views, there are no ties, for one who is delivered by understanding, there are no follies. Wakefulness is the way of life, the fools sleep, as if they were already dead, I am awake, and will live forever.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow..
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Þessi síða er svosem í lagi, en svo er önnur síða, og hún er sko í lagi, óboj! Friggin bloggið mitt Hvað ertu að ...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 03:45:00 GMT