Dee profile picture


my belongs to a tree-climber.

About Me

I am 19 years old, going on 27 (or so I'm told anyways). My life is one big roller coaster, sometimes fun and others, I feel like I could puke. I live in my hometown with my boyfriend. He and I are pregnant with our first baby. We can't wait to be parents (yes, we are well aware that we are young, but there has so be SOME perfect time to grow up!). I went to school to become a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), which basically means I wipe asses as a profession, and I passed the course so I must be pretty good at it too! (pathetic huh?). ANYWAYS, I'm on myspace now because all the "cool" people are doing it, and I so long to be "cool". Leave me lots of love and let me know if you've viewed this blog. Thanks!

My Interests

My MAIN interest ATM is parenting. I'm trying to learn all there is to know, knowing I never will =O]


"Napoleon Dynamite" -- GOSH!

My Blog

Because I'm bored.... deal.

--Your Favorite-- Hair Color: Uhm, blonde?Eye Color: Blue.Music Genre Preference: Anything that sounds good atm. Height: 5'5"Age: 19Personality Type: Bitchy, bossy. --This or...
Posted by Dee on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 09:44:00 PST


Ok so Dave got a job, which is going to require that he be out of town 5 days out of the week.  Needless to say, I'm not too happy about it. It's going to be tough going through this pregnancy vi...
Posted by Dee on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 07:51:00 PST

Oh My Aching Jaw!

 Hey all! So here I sit, at 4:50 in the morning because I couldn't sleep due to an absess tooth. My tooth is literaly ready to come out!! The left side of my jaw line is completley inflamed and k...
Posted by Dee on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 01:55:00 PST

Survey 10-1 (i stole it Kat... muhahaha)

10 to 110 Favorites...Favorite Color: Blue.Favorite Food: Lasagna.Favorite Band: Does Tim McGraw count as a band?Favorite Movie: "Napoleon Dynamite".Favorite Sport: Ha! Sport? What's that?Favorite Sea...
Posted by Dee on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 08:31:00 PST

Uhm, me.

       Hey all and welcome to myspace. This is where I'll write blogs because Cory yelled at me that I never do. So here you go Cory.       ...
Posted by Dee on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 07:38:00 PST