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The worst fate that can befall a tree is being turned into junk mail. It happened to Poor Eddie, a once noble tree in Haynesville Woods. Instead of being turned into something useful like a house or a desk, he was chopped down and turned into (ugh) junk mail. Help Kelly help trees everywhere avoid the same fate as Poor Eddie.

Use ProQuo to stop junk mail
for free. It's completely free.

Hurry, the trees are in danger!

    Americans receive four million tons of junk mail every year.
    Over 100 million trees get used for junk mail every year in the U.S.That's the equivalent of deforesting the entire Rocky Mountain National Park every four months.
    More than 28 billion gallons of water are wasted to produce and recycle junk mail each year.
Sign up to stop junk mail today.

Stopping unwanted paper junk mail is one of the easiest ways to help the environment. It also helps protect against identity theft by removing your name from unwanted mailing lists. ProQuo is the leader in stopping junk mail and managing catalogs and other offers. Add us to your friends and help us spread the word!

Help Kelly spread the word! Simply copy and paste the code below into your MySpace profile to add a ProQuo badge to your page.

Recycling is great, but pre-cycling, "preventing scarce resources from being used in the first place", is even better. Here are some pre-cycling tips:
    Switch from paper napkins to cloth napkins
    Carry reusable shopping bags and remind
    checkout clerks that some items, such as
    bags of dog food and beverage six-packs,
    don't need to be bagged
    Buy in bulk when possible - you should find
    that this saves money as well as packaging
    Pay your bills online
    Use services like to stop junk
    mail before it even begins. ProQuo takes
    your name off of marketing lists that are
    used to send you unsolicited mail

Junk mail isn't just bad for trees. It can also increase your privacy risk. Did you know that entering a sweepstakes, filling out a warranty card, or even getting married can increase your privacy exposure?
Take this free quiz to determine your privacy index and see how you stack up against the national average.

Watch Poor Eddie

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Medieval Junk Mail
Junk Mail Attacks
Dirty Mail Lady
Don't Kill the Messenger
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