Mtn. Biking, Rock Climbing, My wife Kelly, Reading, MOVIES!!!
A Friend I've lost.
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Not country. Anything but country. Please God, Why COUNTRY!!
Love that Sci-Fi; Indy films are great; Actually I really dig foreign films; Documentaries are pretty sweet; Let me see now... Action / adventure... Yes please; Comedies make me laugh, But I guess that's implied; Kung-fu movies kick ass; Aaaaaah romance... That's always nice; Cause it's the Thriller, Thriller night. I guess that about covers it. If I forgot any please feel free to let me know.
Alias, Lost, CSI (all of 'em), Law and Order (all of 'em), Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force (early stuff), Robot Chicken, TLC, Discovery, Military Channel, Et-Cetera, Et-Cetera.
I'm a really big fan of Anne Rice, John Ringo, and David Weber. Pretty much the Sci-Fi / Fantasy genre.
People who give their lives in defense of this country. Not because they beleive in what the polotics behind the actions are, But because they swore an oath, "against all enemies both foreign and domestic". Whether they Like him or not the president of this country is their commander in chief. When he says "Go" they go. That's truly heroic. And no matter what anybody thinks all, or at least the majority, of our elected officials are responsible for our military being anywhere around the world. The fact that they point the finger at the president as soon as things aren't going as smooth as they expected is rediculous. It's called a system of checks and balances. If you didn't like it from the start you shouldn't have voted to send them over, and then continued to allow funding once they were over there. But I digress. Anyway, I am super stoked on the way this country learned from Vietnam to support the troops that are there whether or not they beleive in the cause. Keep it up eveybody. They do it for You And I.