Liesbeth Cordia profile picture

Liesbeth Cordia

About Me

Ever since I was a kid I wanted to sing (wich I allways did, anyplace anywhere), so it wasn't a big surprise that I started in my first band at the age 13, sadly I never learned how to play instruments...I really envy people who do!
Around the year 2000 I became the face/voice of the female fronted metalband from Delft "Annatar", during that period I performed with them on several stages everywhere in the country.
In 2002 (age 17) I entered a Dutch television program ( The Soundmixshow) where I impersonated Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation) with the song "Ice Queen", I won the show and got to the finals with this performance where I ended up fourth (out of 12). During this period everything got so hectic and I had a really full agenda with solo-performances, studioprojects and a musical (joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat by andrew lloyd webber) so I finally came to the decision that it was better for me to leave Annatar cause I couldn't give 100% and I felt it was time for me to move on.
Ever since that time I recorded lots of stuff in different genres (trance,pop, r&b, one of my longterm projects is still alive: zenn) but always kind of missed being in a band and performing live on stage with a band on my side. In early 2004 I was asked to join Mythica (from Noord-Brabant, later they where called Auracle). Mythica sadly never became the liveband I wanted (we just did several recordings and few rehearsalsessions) So when I became pregnant of my first daughter (summer 2005) I was thinking about taking a sabbatical to focus on my newborn. Because they wanted to hit the podium they decided to go on without me.
When I became a mom, I was still doing my studioproject Zenn to keep myself alive in the music-industry, and also because I simply can't live without it. After my second daughter was born (april 2007) I found myself dreaming about performing live with a band again, but I didn't really look out for a band, I decided to just wait for it to cross my path.
Strange enough in a short amount of time I was asked for several projects and bands but there wasn't something I could fit in my so busy (family)life. What I was really looking for was a band where I could do gigs, but not so many that my personal life would get messed up and I was looking for a band where I could just be my (hyperactive) self where people would appreciate my musical input, creativity and energy, and where people would understand that my family llways comes first... difficult task you might think...
So when the phone rang, this felt like a great opportunity for me to see if i could combine my familylife and job with a vibrant liveband. Annatar was looking for a temporary replacement for Madicken de Vries, this was for a few months because they where in search for a new vocalist but they didn't want to rush the process of finding a new great singer. So I agreed to do some gigs and learn their repetoire (over one week time, cause the first gig was one week later). These months we got to know eachother all over again and it all seemed to be working out real good, we where also writing on new stuff and when the end of this period became near, I felt bad that it was all over...
Annatar didn't find in their auditions what they where looking for and since we had a kickass time we decided to make it permanent for me to stay in Annatar, everybody felt ready for making a fresh start. We already played some new stuff live and also I also did a duet with a great vocalist (Myrthe from Magion) at our latest live gig where we where supportact for Epica in LVC, Leiden.
At the moment we are busy writing new stuff and getting to another level with our livegigs so just keep on checking our website and come to gigs to see us having fun on stage! Hopefully we will get some new material recorded later this year... so just keep in touch!!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 5/15/2008
Band Website:
Record Label: Niet ondertekend
Type of Label: None