I love backpacking and working with at-risk teens and young adults. I also enjoy photography, fishing, and pretty much every outdoor sport. Spending time on mountain tops is my greatest source of joy. I am also interested in school and learning about social/political issues. Human behavior has always interested me. I am very curious and like trying new things.
I like happy people who are full of life and positicve energy.
Bluegrass, killa oldies, old school rap, Indie shit, local music in the Ozarks and Wayne Co UT, etc. I will usually listen to one or two cd's for months over and over again.
Two cowboys is always good.
I do not watch TV.
Bible, Koran, Sidhartha, Stigma, The Rich get Richer and the Poor get Prison, the Outsiders, and Corporate Violence;Injury and Death for Profit.
My heroes are the youth that I worked with (you know who you are) who got clean off of meth and changed their lives. Both of my DADS!!! My brothers for being warriors.