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We each have abilities which allow us to excell in different areas of knowlege. Also we each have so

About Me

My Interests

The above linked organization is run by a personal friend of mine, Frank Peffer. He is one of the most honest, dedicated and kind hearted people I've ever met. Thats why it is not surprising to me that he and his wife would be the co-founders of an organization like the Pocono Equestrian Center. The center is a charitable endeavor which seeks to better the lives of disadvantaged and disabled children through interaction with horses. The following is a blerb from their site:
"The Pocono Equestrian Center is dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth through working with horses rescued from neglect and abuse. The experience of interacting in a safe, loving environment with horses we have rehabilitated and trained brings heightened self-esteem and a sense of personal accomplishment to each participant. Mutual care and devotion result in emotional healing for both child and animal."
Now what could possibly be wrong with that?

I'd like to meet:

Thomas Sowell


I have recently become interested in video editing, dvd creation and youTube. When manipulating these files, you often need to translate one format of video or audio to another. The best FREE tool I have discovered to do this is mediaCoder. It is open source, updates automatically and can read anything I have thrown at it. Download it here... Check me out

Stevie Ray Vaughan
Live at the El Mocambo

Yeah I know its not a 'movie', but it is my current favorite....


I don't watch much television except for movies. I think that 90% of what is on TV serves to preoccupy the mind. It distorts our perception of our own culture and shouldn't be taken seriously if taken at all.
In particular I hate anything in the so called reality genre. Also, if I watch another investigation show I may become physically ill.
I like 'Two and a Half Men', 'House', AFV (not the format, just the funny), and anything about fact or the military.


"It doesn't matter whether you are talking about a capitalist economy, a socialist economy, a feudal economy or whatever. Resources are limited but desires are not. That is the basic and defining problem of economics."

"Prices impose the most effective kind of rationing -- self-rationing. Why is rationing necessary? Because what everybody wants always adds up to more than there is."
Thomas Sowell
"Conservatives respect the private property and wealth of our fellow citizens. Just as it’s wrong for any of us to steal from our neighbors, it’s equally wrong to elect politicians who steal from our neighbors on our so-called behalf."
Mark Levin
"I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to."
Jimi Hendrix

The Story of Chicken Little

"Chicken Little" is a story for teaching courage.

Narrator: Chicken Little was in the woods one day when an acorn fell on her head. It scared her so much she trembled all over. She shook so hard, half her feathers fell out.
Chicken Little: "Help! Help! The sky is falling! I have to go tell the king!"
Narrator: So she ran in great fright to tell the king. Along the way she met Henny Penny.
Henny Penny: "Where are you going, Chicken Little?"
Chicken Little: "Oh, help! The sky is falling!"
Henny Penny: "How do you know?"
Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"
Henny Penny: "This is terrible, just terrible! We'd better hurry up."
Narrator: So they both ran away as fast as they could. Soon they met Ducky Lucky.
Ducky Lucky: "Where are you going, Chicken Little and Henny Penny?"
Chicken Little & Henny Penny: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We're going to tell the king!"
Ducky Lucky: "How do you know?"
Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head."
Ducky Lucky: "Oh dear, oh dear! We'd better run!"
Narrator: So they all ran down the road as fast as they could. Soon they met Goosey Loosey walking down the roadside.
Goosey Loosey: "Hello there. Where are you all going in such a hurry?"
Chicken Little: "We're running for our lives!"
Henny Penny: "The sky is falling!"
Ducky Lucky: "And we're running to tell the king!"
Goosey Loosey: "How do you know the sky is falling?"
Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"
Goosey Loosey: "Goodness! Then I'd better run with you."
Narrator: And they all ran in great fright across a field. Before long they met Turkey Lurkey strutting back and forth..
Turkey Lurkey: "Hello there, Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, and Goosey Loosey. Where are you all going in such a hurry?"
Chicken Little: "Help! Help!"
Henny Penny: "We're running for our lives!"
Ducky Lucky: "The sky is falling!"
Goosey Loosey: "And we're running to tell the king!"
Turkey Lurkey: "How do you know the sky is falling?"
Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"
Turkey Lurkey: "Oh dear! I always suspected the sky would fall someday. I'd better run with you."
Narrator: So they ran with all their might, until they met Foxy Loxy.
Foxy Loxy: "Well, well. Where are you rushing on such a fine day?"
Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, Turkey Lurkey: (together) "Help! Help!" It's not a fine day at all. The sky is falling, and we're running to tell the king!"
Foxy Loxy: "How do you know the sky is falling?"
Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"
Foxy Loxy: "I see. Well then, follow me, and I'll show you the way to the king."
Narrator: So Foxy Loxy led Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey across a field and through the woods. He led them straight to his den, and they never saw the king to tell him that the sky is falling.


My Blog


If I hear another commercial or PSA giving me tips on 'living green' or 'going green'  I think I'm gonna puke.  Get this, I'm as green as Im ever gonna get.  I work my ass off so I can ...
Posted by SirDiesAlot on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 11:26:00 PST


Dear Congressman Kanjorski, As a subscriber to your newsletter, I received an email announcing your proposed bill to tax 'windfall profits' of oil companies.  I believe this approach is totally ...
Posted by SirDiesAlot on Sun, 04 May 2008 04:17:00 PST

The Real Thanksgiving

You may never have heard this before, but the story of Thanks Giving that you have been told is not entirely accurate.  The sanitized story of bountiful harvest is relevant only when contrasted ...
Posted by SirDiesAlot on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 12:53:00 PST

Are we evil and stupid?

Do you believe that human beings are inherently evil?   Dismiss the question if you want to, it is as you might suspect a silly question.  But if you intend to vote in the coming election ...
Posted by SirDiesAlot on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 09:42:00 PST

Socialism, on The Dark Side

Socialism, on The Dark Side None of us are perfect.  We are all human and the human predicament is what dictates how we behave.  A well-balanced understanding of that notion is what separ...
Posted by SirDiesAlot on Sat, 12 May 2007 08:04:00 PST

Propaganda Resolution

I just sent this to my congressman on Congressman Kanjorski,I chose to write to you today regarding the recent non-binding resolution regarding the approximately 21...
Posted by SirDiesAlot on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 07:28:00 PST

Environmental Restrictions May Have Contributed to Deaths

In a deviation from my standard blog format, I would like to bring to your attention this story that I saw this morning.  It is an example of how environmental laws have gone too far, created mou...
Posted by SirDiesAlot on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 04:58:00 PST

Surveys - an open door? (a quick observation)

I have seen everyone taking and posting those surveys ever since I became a MySpace member.  I know its fun, but I cant help but think that you are rolling out a welcome mat for anyone who would ...
Posted by SirDiesAlot on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 08:33:00 PST

Hendrix DVD for $10.00

I wrote this piece as a comment on IMDB for the movie 'Jimi Hendrix: Live at Woodstock' which I own and which is one of my favorites.  I hope you enjoy it... This is history, a great document...
Posted by SirDiesAlot on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 07:53:00 PST

Inconvenient Truth for Al Gore

I watched Al Gore's movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' twice.  I took it seriously and it did make me think.  Then it made me research some of the other things that I thought I knew.  So I'v...
Posted by SirDiesAlot on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 07:23:00 PST