Staying the course |
How do some people keep their goals and dreams on track andperservere to see them through? I'm not giving up on the thingsthat I want to have and accomplish, but it is hard to see the light at the end... Posted by on Sat, 13 Jun 2009 08:47:00 GMT |
Like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest... |
My back is still fubared and has been not letting up...I hate learningshit the hard way. I'm just going to work around it and do what I can.Monday's shit:Bench x 5 setsPin Press Bench 290x3Wide Grip P... Posted by on Fri, 12 Jun 2009 09:52:00 GMT |
Rehab and Stuff |
Today's:Some stretching for my lower back followed by:Bird Dogs x alotPull throughs - 2 sets of 15Cable Abs - 2 sets of 15chins - 3 sets Posted by on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 14:01:00 GMT |
Pushin on.. |
Missed Friday's workout.. just pick up where I left off on Monday.Monday's:Sissy Squats x 4 setsEZ Bar curls x 4 setsCable Pushdowns x 4 setsWednesday:Seated Shoulder Press x 5 setsPronated Grip Chins... Posted by on Thu, 04 Jun 2009 13:34:00 GMT |
Gotta climb that hill again.. |
I screwed up my back again and hindsight always being better, there are things I should have done differently! Instead of being a moron and going too heavy for too many repson Stiff Leg deadlifts, I s... Posted by on Sat, 30 May 2009 20:32:00 GMT |
Friday |
Seated Shoulder Pressworked up to 145x3Seated Shoulder Press5 sets of 10Pronated Grip Chins5 sets @ Bodyweight Posted by on Sat, 23 May 2009 11:25:00 GMT |
Quick an Nasty.. |
In a pinch for time today, so I cut it a bit short.BB Squats..worked up to 3x3BB Squats 3x10Leg Curls 1x20Hammer Curls 1x20, 1x15 Posted by on Wed, 20 May 2009 22:07:00 GMT |
The 10 P.M. workout |
Got to the garage kinda late biggie, that's what caffeine is for.I did: Close grip bench 3x3 regular bench 5x10 t bar rows 3x10 face pulls 2x10ez bar curls.. one burnout set of 22 repsI hav... Posted by on Mon, 18 May 2009 20:36:00 GMT |
Dead Friday.. |
I'm almost to my goal of pulling twice my bodyweight...dunno ifI should go much beyond that or not. Will my back hold up?Deadsworked up to 415x1BB Shrugs5 sets of 10Cable abs3 sets of 15Spyder Curls3 ... Posted by on Sat, 16 May 2009 13:41:00 GMT |
eh.. |
Fun in the garage for today:Seated Militarys - worked up to 3 sets of 3Seated Militarys - 3 sets of 10Upright rows - 3 sets of 10Pronated Grip Pullups x 5 setsI have been feeling so much better lately... Posted by on Wed, 13 May 2009 20:42:00 GMT |