The Birthday Cakes profile picture

The Birthday Cakes

About Me

trying to tame tyson
Click here to watch more videos of our awesome band.
Cameron Drake and Clayton Drake were on a tour of Vietnam late in the war when their chopper was gunned down by the Viet Cong. Narrowly escaping capture, they made their way through the dense jungle, where they encounted Carter Drake. Carter was a Chinese mystic who had a debilitating opium addiction. Through the power of song, Cameron and Clayton were able to help Carter to overcome his addiction. They spent fifteen years together in the jungle, meditating daily and practising martial arts. Eventually, they found that they could read each others' minds. Through the power of meditation, they developed their instincts and senses to the point where each of them had an individual power greater than that of mere mortals.
Carter had the power of geology, whereby he could detect geological fault lines and ore bodies using only a stick, a bucket of water, and sixteen strategically-placed, perfectly sphreical emeralds.
Cameron had a power he named "the Milk of Human Kindness". With one glance, he could determine in exact relative percentages, how happy, sad angry, aroused, offended, elated, excited, and intoxicated a person was.
Clayton had the ability to commune with the spirits of people who had been deceased for over 500 years. This power was limited only to people who had been dead for in excess of 500 years, and who had not been historically notable. He called it "the Power of Communicating with Average People who Have Been Dead for over 500 years."
With their powers combined, they found that they had very little ability to conquer evil, or even to do much good for the world. Therefore, they soon parted ways.
Cameron returned to his native USA, and began playing lead guitar for the Allman Brothers.
Carter returned to China and soon relapsed into his Opium addiction. He made his living writing fortunes for fotune cookies.
Clayton re-ignited his first passion: hang gliding. During the cold war, he hang glided clear across the Bering Strait, and into Russia, where he was able to gather secret intelligence on the Russian nuclear program by posing as a matron in a state-funded nursery.
These three kindred spirits eventually would meet up again at a Rolling Stones concert in 1980. They decided to form a band, and have since released 57 albums, all of which have gone multi platinum. A jury of fifteen of the world's most eminent scientists has officially declared them "the Greatest Band in the World."
Carter is still addicted to opium.
Review in Northern Rocks Magazine :
"...Romper Room is good, despite its fast and almost constant mood changes. It is able to go from light hearted to almost ghoulish in a few seconds but s�ll holds onto its integrity. It really does have something for everyone. It is clear that the band put a lot into it and this allows it to shine."
Review in i (heart) music :
"...While The Birthday Cakes' brand of spazzy, punk-tinged pop certainly won't appeal to everyone, there's enough good stuff on Romper Room that it's worth investigating if you're at all into that sort of thing. Songs like "Buried Treasure" and "Bubb Rubb" are brimming with energy (not to mention catchy riffs), while "When Good Bears Ghost Bad"...explodes out of the speakers with an enjoyably goofy recklessness."

My Interests


Member Since: 14/05/2008
Band Members:
View The Birthday Cakes's EPKClayton Drake (Science)Cameron Drake (Magic)Carter Drake (Passion)To book the Birthday Cakes, send a flattering e-mail to Clayton at:[email protected]
Influences: We are influenced only by the content of our own souls and brains.
Sounds Like: Saturday morning cartoons mixed with Internet Videos and brains overstimulated from playing "Burnout" for in excess of 500 hours.
Record Label: Ladyboy Records
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

CBC Radio 3

We the Birthday Cakes were featured on CBC Radio 3's Track of the Day by the kind Amanda Putz! She was nice enough to send our song "The Birthday Cakes Theme" out to her sister. She also had lots of n...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 10:45:00 GMT

Birthday Cakes move to #31!

We moved up to #31 on the earshot rankings this past week for national campus radio play! Check it out here!
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 20:46:00 GMT

The Birthday Cakes at #48 on national campus radio charts!

We were #48 on the national campus radio charts for the week ending March 3rd! That's friggin' awesome! Click here to see the evidence.
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 16:29:00 GMT

The Birthday Cakes Climbing the charts in other cities!

We are at Number 7 on the charts on CFOU, a campus radio station from Trois Rivieres, Quebec! Click here for the evidence, courtesy of Earshot.  Here is the CFOU website. We are at Number 8 on the cha...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 14:01:00 GMT

The Birthday Cakes Number One on CKLU's Charts

Our album, "Romper Room", was number one on CKLU's charts this week!Click here to see the charts.
Posted by on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 23:18:00 GMT

New Birthday Cakes song available for download at

Go to my blog, and get a free download of a new Birthday Cakes song, Owner's Manual!Click Here.-Science Drake
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 20:27:00 GMT

"Romper Room" reviewed on I (heart) music

Click here to read the review!
Posted by on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 21:57:00 GMT

The Birthday Cakes on Toronto Independent Music Podcast

Check it out here.
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 15:03:00 GMT

The Birthday Cakes reviewed in Chartattack

Seems like they're pretty hard on most of the bands that send them albums:Click here to read the review
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 18:18:00 GMT

Album Art

It occurred to me that some of you may not know what our awesome album looks like. Here is the front cover:
Posted by on Tue, 18 Nov 2008 12:30:00 GMT