About Me
Hi! I am Das Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei, in english, Zhe Manifesto of zhe Kommunist Party! More kommonly referred to as zhe Kommunist Manifesto, vhich I like, as many konfuse vhat mein kreators kalled ein party of vorkers as ein politikal party, such as zhe "Kommunist Parties" of zhe so-kalled "Kommunist States." Zhis has kaused many to attribute und associate me vith zhe atrocities vhich vere kommitted vhere zhey reigned. I am often konsidered to be zhe magnum opus of Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels, who vere kommissioned by Der Bund der Kommunisten to write me, und zhus I vas published on 21st February, 1848. Zhis page says I am 60 years old, ja, but I am, in fakt, 160 years old to zhis day.Razher zhan simply being ein program for ein politikal organization, as I vas intended to be, I have gone on to bekome zhe primary, auzhoritative source und defining dokument of kommunism und kommunists zhe vorld uber. In mein birth pangs vere created mein sister dokuments; zhe Draft of ein Kommunist Konfession of Faith und zhe Principles of Kommunism. Zhe former ist klearly ein insufficiently inferior dokument; ein rough draft of sorts. Zhe latter embodies ein sekond draft, vhich ist almost identikal to meinself, in some vays it ist superior; it kontains much zhe same konception und information as meinself, only it ist broken down into ein Question und Answer format, making it more easily digestible. However, I have ein superior literary style und konviction. If you vish to read me, know me und understand me vith great klarity und lucidity, I suggest you read all zhree dokuments in zhe order of zheir produktion (Konfessions; Principles; und meinself, Das Manifest).Some have spekulated zhat I am perhaps zhe most videly read text in recent history, some have even gone as far as to say in all history. But many kontest zhat zhe latter title belongs to zhe Holy Bible, und I am inkleined to agree, if only for its age und distribution (it ist, uber alles, almost two millenia in age, und vas zhe first buch ever made vith ein printing press). However, in mein 160 years of existence, I have changed zhe vorld more profoundly zhan any ozher dokument in known history, und I challenge anyone to prove zhis false!