Resound School of Ministry is a full-time Bible School which exists to equip this generation in the knowledge of God and the power of the Spirit for the bold proclamation of the Lord Jesus and His return. The emphasis of study is the Word of God. The foundational truths of the scriptures are not passed down through class teachings and study guides, but by study and personal revelation of the student. Our role in training is to set the course for a lifestyle of love and notice towards the person of Jesus. We equip by rooting the student in a love for the Word and by building their confidence on hearing God for themselves. We believe that we are called to be with Him and also to be like Him to our generation. Through outreach we make sure to never separate intimacy from ambassadorship. We take hold of the mandate of Christ to reveal the nature of the Father in power and anointing.
Prior to the return of Jesus, the earth will experience unprecedented worldwide revival and unprecedented upheaval as God shakes everything that can be shaken (Hebrews 12:26). As this dynamic hour of history draws near, the Western Church remains unprepared. Of the well over two-hundred cities in the earth that have been utterly transformed by the Gospel, the Western World has none. We have more biblical training institutions in America than any other nation, yet the Word of the Lord is not prevailing over one city in our land. Our barrenness is further revealed in our present obsessions with platforms and book deals, our ineffectiveness at reducing pastoral burn-out and divorce rates, and our tendency to try the next available leadership methodology instead of biblical repentance and intercession. This statistic should shock us and incite alarm in our souls. Corporate prayer and a radical commitment to pursue and proclaim the knowledge of God is our only hope. The times are urgent and our need is severe. Traditional training will no longer suffice. Who will contend for the presence of the Lord through prayer and fasting? Who will bring together theological education with corporate prayer, fasting, worship, power healing, prophecy and sacrificial giving to the poor until revival breaks out in a geographic region?
LOU ENGLE SAYS: "I highly recommend Resound School of Ministry. RSM is a full-time ministry school established to equip men and women in corporate prayer and fasting and hands-on service to the local Church and community. In other words, they exist to raise up messengers who “resound the atmosphere of heaven and demonstrate it on the earth.†(Job 37:4)
"Over ten years ago, the Lord gave a prophetic friend of mine a profound dream that pointed me back to my life's calling and vocation. In the dream, a Buddhist house of prayer sat atop a Christian house of prayer and dominated it. But then, the Christian house of prayer began to wrestle with the Buddhist house of prayer and began to overpower it. Through this dream, the Lord resoundingly spoke to me and challenged me to "raise up a house of prayer that contends with every other house." Moreover, just a few years later, through a series of profound prophetic events, the Lord spoke to me that "wherever The Call goes, I (the Lord) will establish My House of Prayer."
"Our nation has yet to see the Church in its full potential to transform cities. However, I believe that a new sound is emerging that will explore the limitless power from on high when we partner with God through unceasing prayer and fasting. I believe that now is America's time to raise up Houses of Prayer in cities all across the nation to contend for breakthrough! Once again, we are in a critical moment, and Florida has a major role to play. Not only is Florida a swing state for the elections, but also it is a swing state for revival. Great moves of God have come out of Florida in the last 30 years, and the sounds of prayer that birthed those movements are rumbling again.
"I believe RSM is a vital tool that God is using to strike a chord in the younger generation and empower them as instruments of His glory to carry that sound into the local church, the school campuses, and the public square. They carry the vision of TheCall and the House of Prayer and are translating it into day-to-day application in the midst of Orlando and beyond. I highly recommend this company of people as faithful servants to the Lord Jesus and of us, and invite you to prayerfully consider how you can invest into the commission God has given them to further the Kingdom."